Bear Grylls - Master of Movement...Video

© Still shot from Video
Sometimes we pick up on news or get sent material that is just mind blowing. Here at UKC we get really excited, our palms sweat, hearts race, or something is just so inspirational we get 100% psyched to get out climbing - it's almost a frenzy.

And sometimes we get sent other material.

Here's the press release to go with this video of Bear Grylls:

"Exclusive: New extreme footage of Bear Grylls:

Extreme mountain climbing icon Bear Grylls chose to summit the iconic Tombstone Rock in Canyonlands National Park near Moab, UT. The 350-ft sheer cliff face offered a chance for the adventurer to practice his climbing skills which he learned from his father as a boy and to reconnect with his roots."

We recognised the route Bear is climbing, it's called Rigor Mortis, and is graded 5.9 C2, and was first climbed by Brit Paul Ross.

Paul, now in his 70's, climbed the route back in 2003, when he was in his early 60's. Paul is a true climbing legend, having added over 500 new routes to crags and towers on the Utah sandstone.

We contacted Paul and showed him the video of Bear, which he thought was hilarious. He told us that the first ascent had included a fair amount of aid; "as with such sandstone climbs, bits were sandy and loose", he said.

In this video we see Bear running to the crag wearing mountaineers coils, jumping around on some rocks on the approach (which is a whopping 3 minute walk from the car park...), 'climbing' in some ill-fitting approach shoes, using a rope and gear (kind of) but topping out on his desert tower with some sort of short coil trailing behind him, and we also liked the black abseil/top-rope almost hidden from view when he is on the nice looking crack at 1:43. Bear - here's a tip - put your feet in the crack mate.

The video is part of the 'masters of movement' series. Ahem.


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19 Apr, 2012
But Bear you big frilly pair of Girls Pants, If you are supposed to be leading why is there a toprope at 1.43 ???
19 Apr, 2012
What's wrong with the media driven culture around celebrities; especially ones faking 'adventure' to make thousands? Hmmmm... where do we start?
19 Apr, 2012
This is going to be fun *breaks out popcorn*
19 Apr, 2012
He is doing it in walking shoes though, can't he afford rock boots?
19 Apr, 2012
If this press release clip is the only reference point from which to comment then this feckin guy (plus producer) are basically liars. I'm with JayPee.
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