Nice easy(ISH) multi pitch trad cheddar

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 Neil Morbey 01 May 2024

Does anyone know of any good routes S - Hvs in cheddar? Thanks

 Dunthemall 01 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

You will probably need the Martin Crocker guide to understand what the climbing date restrictions mean (they are hard to visualise otherwise).

There are a lack of good (& clean) multi-pitch trad routes

 Lhod 01 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

Could be wrong but I don't think there's any multi pitch at those sort of grades.

 PaulJepson 01 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

I don't know of any overlap on the venn diagram of 'good routes S - Hvs' and 'in Cheddar'. 

 beardy mike 01 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

It's not multipitch but some of the routes up on Long Wall are in that grade range and pretty good, although you have to be prepared to fight for it a bit. Utopia is HVS and multipitch and quite exciting. Doomwatch if you're up for pushing the boat out to E1 is just about the most intimidating single pitch I've done because it's only the last pitch of the old route, i.e. ab from the top and start 400 feet above the road with mind bending exposure and pretty good climbing. Consolation on Reservoir walls if you do the E1 version is decent, but the e2 version is even better. There's Thor which is pretty cool too - bit of a burly fight mind... Oh and Sceptre, which is more HVS than VS. 

I mean the thing with Cheddar is that it's Cheddar so you need to do the routes in the right frame of mind and not expect a path...

In reply to Neil Morbey:

Check out Knights climb. Technically a diff but it definitely feels closer to severe at times (last pitch is a corker)!

It's a winter only route as per Martin Crocker's guide, a worthwhile investment as already pointed out.

 morpcat 01 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

Knight's Climb (Diff), Sceptre (VS), and Utopia (HVS) are all interesting adventures. Take a spare pair of underpants.

 leland stamper 02 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

Knights Climb is definitely worth the effort. Also Eden Crack or Temptation on Reservoir Walls leading up to  Pyramus or Thisbe on Shoot Gully Walls above. Mourning Glory was an adventure and I'd be tempted to go and dig it out when it'sdry.

 beardy mike 02 May 2024
In reply to leland stamper:

Mourning Glory is sadly unredeemable. Have asked repeatedly to be allowed to exhumed it but apparently there are perched death blocks...

 Dave Cundy 02 May 2024
In reply to morpcat:

When i last did Coronation Street in 2006, a team behind us were on Sceptre.  Their comments on its state are unrepeatable here.

 leland stamper 02 May 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

So once the road is closed, good to go?🙃

 beardy mike 02 May 2024
In reply to leland stamper:

Good luck with your endeavour. Let me know how it goes.

 profitofdoom 02 May 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

> Mourning Glory is sadly unredeemable. Have asked repeatedly to be allowed to exhumed it but apparently there are perched death blocks...

I agree. IMO Mourning Glory is a really poor route, not worth doing

 profitofdoom 02 May 2024
In reply to Dave Cundy:

> When i last did Coronation Street in 2006, a team behind us were on Sceptre.  Their comments on its state are unrepeatable here.

I have done Sceptre (VS 4c) a couple of times and found it very poor. Just my opinion of course

 beardy mike 02 May 2024
In reply to profitofdoom:

Back in the day it was fantastic A real adventure...

 Kevster 02 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morbey:

Wye valley maybe worth considering? Your profile shows Bristol based. 

There's a debate in there somewhere. 

 profitofdoom 02 May 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

> Back in the day it was fantastic A real adventure...

I know, and the setting of the climb is great. I just strongly dislike the scrappy first section up to where it breaks right

 alan moore 03 May 2024
In reply to profitofdoom:

> I agree. IMO Mourning Glory is a really poor route, not worth doing

A contender for the worst route I've ever done. Did it shortly after it had been marmalised by the cliff stabilisers.

In reply to leland stamper:

Second this, Eden crack and Pyramus is a great adventure route.

Knights climb can be approached using one of the trad routes on the tier below provided the official decent route is via acid rock. A worthy addition and much better approach option.

OP Neil Morbey 03 May 2024
In reply to Vertical Gardener:


Very helpful responses, what a great community 

 fred99 03 May 2024
In reply to alan moore:

> I agree. IMO Mourning Glory is a really poor route, not worth doing

A contender for the worst route I've ever done. Did it shortly after it had been marmalised by the cliff stabilisers.

Did it in October 2003, it was "very interesting" - we were using the 1992 Guide !! Belays were rather awkward to arrange, and never in the stated location.

Then got the 2004 Guide which said its "time ran out when it was dismantled in the late 90s".

A comment I can readily believe. Were we the last (idiots) to climb the route ?

Post edited at 17:26
 Steve Woollard 03 May 2024
In reply to fred99:

I did Mourning Glory a few times in the 70's and it was a 3* route and it's a real shame it's been lost

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