VIDEO: A Day on Leaning Tower

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 UKC Videos 10 Apr 2015
[A Day on Leaning Tower]
Last September Andrew and Stefan were lucky enough to team up with Andy Kirkpatrick for a one day ascent of the West Face of Leaning Tower. Spurred on by the closing time of the pizza deck, they topped out after 11 hours and 30 minutes feeling pretty damn tired.

Watch the video:
Our big wall exploits were kindly supported by DMM Climbing, who supplied us with crucial climbing hardware to get the job done - including Dragon cams, Offset alloys, Brass Imps, Swivels and Revolver carabiners. Without their support, we would have had a bloody hard time getting up anything. Thanks to everyone at DMM!

Checkout their articles here:
 ericincheddar 10 Apr 2015
In reply to UKC Videos:

Lovely, really enjoyed it. But boy does aid climbing look like a pointless faff....
 sheelba 13 Apr 2015
In reply to UKC Videos:

Enjoyed that and your other videos on Vimeo. Really liked the look of the slate cracks you were training on in video 3, what routes were they?

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