NEWS: Gypsy Blood - 8c+ First Ascent for Tom Bolger

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 UKC News 22 May 2012
Tom Bolger on his new route Gypsy Blood (8c+) at Santa Linya, 4 kbTom Bolger has climbed another hard route in the Santa Linya cave, Spain, this time making the first ascent of a line he bolted last November.

His new route is called Gypsy Blood and is graded 8c+. Tom described it as: "Pure power endurance, speed is essential as there isnĀ“t really a rest - only spots to grab chalk. It's really fun, athletic climbing."


 just 22 May 2012
Tom I thought that you would take advantage of the cooler temps this week and you looked close when we were out. Good one.!
In reply to UKC News: Good work Tom. Another beefy line for the cave.

What's the current situation on the projected banning of the cave now? Any more progress? Do I cancel my flights for the autumn??!

 Morgan Woods 23 May 2012
In reply to UKC News:

That first pic is mono-tastic!
CorneliusVS 24 May 2012
In reply to UKC News: It certainly looks like an impressive ascent, but I don't think this justifies the use of racism in the name.
 remus Global Crag Moderator 24 May 2012
In reply to CorneliusVS: How exactly is it racist?
 biscuit 24 May 2012
In reply to CorneliusVS:

I believe ( i seem to remember it being mentioned in a previous article about him ) that his family are/have been gipsies.

Why would you think it was racist ?
 just 27 May 2012
In reply to biscuit: biscuit you are correct his great great grandmother was romany according to family rumor and the fact that he has a nomadic lifestyle now is why the routename came about.

I would really like to know why corneliusvs thinks the name is racist?
In reply to just:

>I would really like to know why corneliusvs thinks the name is racist?

Well, because he's a pious idiot, presumably. It really doesn't seem very complicated.


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