Lake District Climbs

Lake District Climbs Rockfax Cover
Author Mark Glaister
Published Rockfax (2019)
ISBN 978-1-873341-53-7



Lake District Climbs provides comprehensive coverage of the very best traditional climbing in the mountains and valleys of English Lake District. The range and variety of climbing available is outstanding, from low-level single-pitch outcrop cragging to long multi-pitch mountain routes. There is something here for climbers of all abilities from experts to those just starting out.

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Crags covered by this Guide
Cumbria crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bell Stand 23 Granite S
Black Crag 1 Gabbro E
Black Crag (Borrowdale) 49 Rhyolite NW
Black Crag (Wrynose) 145 Andesite SW
Bowderstone Crags 55 Rhyolite SW
Bowfell 39 Rhyolite all
Brantrake Crags 37 Granite W
Buckbarrow Crag 32 Rhyolite W
Buckbarrow, Wasdale 182 Rhyolite SE
Buckstone How 22 Slate SW
Burnt Crag 22 Rhyolite S
Castle Rock of Triermain 67 Rhyolite W
Cathedral Quarry/Black Hole 31 Slate ?
Dove Crag (Dovedale) 56 Rhyolite NE
Dow Crag 153 Rhyolite all
Eagle Crag (Buttermere) 38 Rhyolite NE
Eagle Crag (Grisedale) 53 Rhyolite E
Esk Buttress (Dow Crag) 55 Rhyolite SE
Falcon Crag 45 Rhyolite W
Far Hill Crag 26 Rhyolite NW
Flat Crags 25 Rhyolite E
Gable Crag 57 Rhyolite N
Gillercombe 40 Rhyolite SE
Gimmer Crag 111 Rhyolite S
Goat Crag, Borrowdale 55 Rhyolite NE
Goats Crag, Watendlath 38 Rhyolite SW
Gouther Crags 103 Rhyolite NW
Gowder Crag 29 Rhyolite W
Great End Crag 23 Rhyolite NW
Grey Crag (Buttermere) 61 Rhyolite SE
Hardknott Crag 25 Rhyolite W
Hare Crags 56 Granite SW
Heron Crag (Borrowdale) 21 Rhyolite W
Heron Crag, Eskdale 24 Rhyolite SE
High Crag 36 Rhyolite all
Hodge Close Quarry 108 Slate W
Intake Ridge/Glaciated Slab 26 Rhyolite NW
Iron Crag 22 Rhyolite SE
Kern Knotts 50 Rhyolite SW
Lightning Crag 19 Andesite S
Long Crag 22 Volcanic tuff W
Long Scar 94 Rhyolite SW
Neckband Crag 27 Rhyolite N
North Buttress/Cambridge Crag 29 Rhyolite NE
Pavey Ark 96 Rhyolite all
Pikes Crag 47 Rhyolite W
Pillar 114 Rhyolite all
Quayfoot Buttress 26 Rhyolite NW
Raven Crag (Langdale) 137 Rhyolite S
Raven Crag (Walthwaite) 38 Rhyolite S
Raven Crag, Combe Ghyll 44 Rhyolite NE
Raven Crag, Thirlmere 29 Rhyolite E
Raven Crag, Threshthwaite Cove 22 Rhyolite SE
Reecastle Crag 40 Rhyolite NW
Scafell Crag 156 Rhyolite N
Scafell East Buttress 88 Rhyolite E
Scout Crags 39 Rhyolite S
Sergeant Crag Slabs 21 Rhyolite W
Shelter Crags 26 - all
Shepherd’s Crag 169 Rhyolite W
Steel Knotts (Borrowdale) 26 - E
Stickle Barn Crag 13 Rhyolite S
Stonestar Crag 63 Rhyolite SW
Swirl Crags 33 Rhyolite W
The Napes 104 Rhyolite SW
Upper Langstrath Valley 40 Rhyolite NW
Wallowbarrow Crag 51 Rhyolite SW
White Ghyll 62 Rhyolite W
Yew Crags 43 Rhyolite SW

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White Ghyll
White Ghyll Wall
30 Jan

Pitch 2 - corner should not be climbed and the belay is not under the roof. Climb the wall left of the corner and belay just under a ledge, to the left of the roof

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