Contributed by Tru Jul/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 598 times

Top sport routes around Bristol 7a -8a

Sheltering from the storm cave man style in Pride Evans's cave after a wet ascent of House Burning Down  © Glyn
Sheltering from the storm cave man style in Pride Evans's cave after a wet ascent of House Burning Down
© Glyn, Jul 2013

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Rhoslyn Frugniet, House Burning down 7B+, Pride Evans Cave, Cheddar

House Burning Down
Rhoslyn Frugniet, House Burning down 7B+, Pride Evans Cave, Cheddar
© simon rawlinson

Sheltering from the storm cave man style in Pride Evans's cave after a wet ascent of House Burning Down

House Burning Down
Sheltering from the storm cave man style in Pride Evans's cave after a wet ascent of House Burning Down
© Glyn

Joe Innes redpointing Bitter and Twisted, Avon.

Bitter and Twisted
Joe Innes redpointing Bitter and Twisted, Avon.
© JayLewin

Ben on 'Human Zoo' 7b+/c, Lion Rock, Cheddar.

Human Zoo
Ben on 'Human Zoo' 7b+/c, Lion Rock, Cheddar.
© _m.cox_

The smile you get from a 3* route

House Burning Down
The smile you get from a 3* route
© Ben.o.neill

Final moves (and possible beta) of Insatiable

Final moves (and possible beta) of Insatiable
© TommityP

winter evening at brean

winter evening at brean
© benbroche

House Burning Down in Cheddar Gorge

House Burning Down
House Burning Down in Cheddar Gorge

Pearl Harbour, 7a, Brean Down.

Pearl Harbour
Pearl Harbour, 7a, Brean Down.
© Paul Robertson

Ruairidh Finlayson on Bitter and Twisted 7b, New Quarry, Bristol

Bitter and Twisted
Ruairidh Finlayson on Bitter and Twisted 7b, New Quarry, Bristol
© ClaireCC

Pearl Harbour

Pearl Harbour
© Dred

Heading for the pocket on Insatiable, The Wave, Cheddar - 7b+

Heading for the pocket on Insatiable, The Wave, Cheddar - 7b+
© Brian H

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Insatiable 7b+ * 420 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Islands in the City 7a+ 286 ? Cheddar Gorge North
House Burning Down 7b+ *** 390 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Human Zoo 7c ** 169 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Pearl Harbour 7a *** 1692 15m Brean Down
Chulilla 7b+ *** 639 ? Brean Down
Bitter and Twisted 7a+ * 324 10m Avon Gorge (Sea...
13 stars 3,920 25m 7
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