Contributed by FaffmasterG Jul/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 494 times

The most worthwhile 7s at the Chee Cornice... there are a fair few! This includes independent lines or routes with significant independent climbing, so link ups generally omitted .

The driest it has been in years...  ...but at least it's quiet.  © Neil Foster
The driest it has been in years... ...but at least it's quiet.
© Neil Foster, Jul 2010

10 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st FaffmasterG 76% 27 Jul, 2022
1st Hidden 76% 24 Sep, 2022
2nd Liamg20025 63% 5 Jul, 2023
3rd Dan 85 50% 16 Jun, 2023
4th James Oswald 46% 11 Sep, 2022
5th Hidden 43% 22 Aug, 2022
6th Sabina_schneider 33% 9 Aug, 2022
6th TonyM 33% 14 Jun, 2023
7th SP 3% 11 Jun, 2022
7th Jon Tweedlie 3% 14 Jun, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Penny Orr laybacking her way to glory on Zippy's Direct Finish to Old Man River

Old Man River
Penny Orr laybacking her way to glory on Zippy's Direct Finish to Old Man River
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Cry of Despair 7c

Cry of Despair
Cry of Despair 7c
© Henry Henderson

Try harder

Old Man River
Try harder
© Wft

Committing Une Crime Passionel

Une Crime Passionel
Committing Une Crime Passionel
© mark20

The driest it has been in years...  ...but at least it's quiet.

Bored of the Lies
The driest it has been in years... ...but at least it's quiet.
© Neil Foster

Quick shake before the traverse

Bored of the Lies
Quick shake before the traverse
© @bowl.of.corks

Dyl stripping the gear from his project at the Cornice last night. Glad we put the torches in!

Old Man River
Dyl stripping the gear from his project at the Cornice last night. Glad we put the torches in!
© MattH

Harry cranking on cosmopolitan

Harry cranking on cosmopolitan
© pete1993

Start of crux

Start of crux
© cjeeky

Jess on Martial Music

Martial Music
Jess on Martial Music
© EllaF

Jess on Martial Music

Martial Music
Jess on Martial Music
© EllaF

George laughing, not yet crying

Cry of Despair
George laughing, not yet crying
© Stevo81

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Forehead Trombone 7b+ ** 26 10m Chee Dale Lower
Wright to Left 7c+ * 7 20m Chee Dale Lower
Taylor Made 7c * 77 15m Chee Dale Lower
The Jug Jockey 7c+ *** 102 20m Chee Dale Lower
Cry of Despair 7c *** 322 16m Chee Dale Lower
That was the River 7b+ ** 137 16m Chee Dale Lower
This is the Sea 7c+ * 105 12m Chee Dale Lower
Old Man River 7b ** 285 15m Chee Dale Lower
Keep on Rollin' 7c 121 ? Chee Dale Lower
The Naive and Sentimental Lover 7c ** 60 15m Chee Dale Lower
Up the River Without a Paddle 7a ** 466 15m Chee Dale Lower
Snails of the Riverbank 7b ** 173 16m Chee Dale Lower
Une Crime Passionel 7a ** 218 22m Chee Dale Lower
Blurred Lines 7c * 10 22m Chee Dale Lower
Blurred lines RH 7b 20 16m Chee Dale Lower
Succubus 7b+ ** 98 20m Chee Dale Lower
Martial Music 7a ** 768 20m Chee Dale Lower
Clarion Call 7a *** 887 20m Chee Dale Lower
Armistice Day 7a+ ** 550 20m Chee Dale Lower
Whose Line is it Anyway? 7a+ *** 600 18m Chee Dale Lower
Egyptian Bizarre 7a+ * 186 ? Chee Dale Lower
Big Zipper 7b ** 478 20m Chee Dale Lower
Beelzebub 7b+ * 37 20m Chee Dale Lower
Bored of the Lies 7b+ *** 337 20m Chee Dale Lower
Cosmopolitan 7b+ ** 286 ? Chee Dale Lower
Cordless Madness 7c ** 196 20m Chee Dale Lower
Mandy 7b+ * 84 20m Chee Dale Lower
The Third Order 7b ** 81 20m Chee Dale Lower
Loco 7b+ * 21 20m Chee Dale Lower
The Corniceman 7a+ ** 313 20m Chee Dale Lower
53 stars 7,051 488m 30
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