Contributed by tomlake Dec/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 170 times

Winter routes in the Lakes and Scotland for mortal climbers.

Jeff on Curved Ridge  © leakster
Jeff on Curved Ridge
© leakster, Nov 2008

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1st tomlake 15% 1 Mar

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Winter

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

Approaching the gap

Tower Ridge
Approaching the gap

Eastern Traverse Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Eastern Traverse Tower Ridge
© rusty8850

Winter arrives in the Cairngorms

Fiacaill Ridge
Winter arrives in the Cairngorms
© Al Todd

Chris approaching the pinnacles of the Aonach Eagach ridge, in spectacular winter condition.

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Chris approaching the pinnacles of the Aonach Eagach ridge, in spectacular winter condition.
© Andrew Marshall

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

A blustery teeter along the Eastern Traverse

Tower Ridge
A blustery teeter along the Eastern Traverse
© henrygiles99

Top of West Gully, Ben Udlaidh, Neil Morrison, complete with Terrordactyls

Sunshine Gully
Top of West Gully, Ben Udlaidh, Neil Morrison, complete with Terrordactyls
© Rhoddy Stewart

Mike at the top of Sunshine Gully after an ascent in challenging conditions in mid-March, 2013!

Sunshine Gully
Mike at the top of Sunshine Gully after an ascent in challenging conditions in mid-March, 2013!
© carlh

In the hall of the mountain king

Quartzvein Scoop
In the hall of the mountain king
© Adam Archibald

Are you sure this is Scotland?  I think we took a wrong turn on the M74...

Curved Ridge (Winter)
Are you sure this is Scotland? I think we took a wrong turn on the M74...
© BStar

Ben Nevis from the Aonach Eagach during a night traverse.

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Ben Nevis from the Aonach Eagach during a night traverse.
© Hugh Simons

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Curved Ridge (Winter) II 3 *** 1480 240m Buachaille Etive Mor
Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter) II *** 1552 ? Aonach Eagach -...
Twisting Gully III 4 *** 717 140m • 4 Bidean nam Bian -...
Golden Oldy II *** 650 500m Aonach Mor
Jet Stream IV 4 *** 82 ? Aonach Mor
White Shark IV 4 *** 189 110m • 3 Aonach Mor
Carn Mor Dearg Arete I ** 1011 ? Ben Nevis
Ledge Route II *** 1879 450m Ben Nevis
Castle Ridge III ** 634 275m Ben Nevis
Tower Ridge IV 3 *** 2026 800m Ben Nevis
Fiacaill Ridge II ** 2857 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
The Runnel II *** 1828 120m • 3 Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Aladdin's Mirror Direct IV 4 ** 1079 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Invernookie IV 5 *** 1075 120m • 5 Cairn Gorm - Stob...
The Milky Way III ** 523 100m • 3 Cairn Gorm - Cairn...
An Teallach Ridge (Winter) II *** 333 ? An Teallach -...
Quartzvein Scoop IV 4 *** 513 ? Beinn Udlaidh
Ice Crew III ** 88 ? Beinn Udlaidh
Taxus Icefall Finish IV 4 ** 185 240m • 4 Beinn an Dothaidh
Sunshine Gully III ** 247 ? Beinn Udlaidh
Blea Water Gill Icefall III 4 *** 112 ? Blea Water Crag
Pinnacle Ridge (Winter) II * 271 ? St. Sunday Crag
V-Corner III ** 345 80m • 3 Helvellyn
Right Buttress Crack III * 267 100m • 3 Brown Cove Crags
Stepped Ridge III * 223 140m Brown Cove Crags
Traverse of the Sods II/III * 12 220m • 4 Blencathra
61 stars 20,178 3,635m 49
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