Edu Marin - 8c OnsightVideo

© UKC News

Back in late May Spanish climber Edu Marin, belayed by his father, onsighted the 8c sport route of Pengim Penjam. This was Edu's fourth onsight at that level.

The route is located near the monastery of Sant Miquel del Fai, close to Barcelona and tackles a large overhanging wall of limestone that disappears behind a waterfall in springtime.

As well as onsighting four 8cs, Edu has redpointed many hard routes including an early repeat of the famous 9a+ La Rambla, Siurana back in 2006.

A few weeks after his recent onsight ascent of Pengim Penjam Edu went back on the route for a video by Namuss Films.

They commented:

"The roughness of the onsight and its beautiful and spectacular location gave us the push to accompany Edu with the cameras three weeks after his ascent, on the 17th of June. We recorded a repeat ascent of the route so we could share it with all of you."

Edu Marin has several sponsors including Boreal, Petzl, Beal

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Edu has climbed at the highest level from a very young age, red-pointing 8c at fifteen; on-sighting 8b+ at sixteen and climbing 9a at seventeen. He has climbed routes of 9b and achieved World Championship...

Edu's Athlete Page 9 posts 1 video

23 Jul, 2012
I'm not normally one to comment on styles of ascent, ethics etc. I'll happily work a route into submission on a toprope before going for a redpoint. But this video really made me think...he seems to know the moves really well when talking about them before setting off. Can that really be an "onsight"?
23 Jul, 2012
its not and never claims to be
23 Jul, 2012
He had onsighted it a few weeks earlier and so returned to film it. I like it. Plus, he uses a figure of eight to tie in, that's what I like to see.
23 Jul, 2012
it all makes sense now. that'll teach me to open my mouth early on a Monday morning.
23 Jul, 2012
Towards the end I was thinking that jumping off would be a fun way to descend - awesome.
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