Two Font 8Cs in a week for Will Bosi

© Band of Birds

Will Bosi has climbed two Font 8Cs in the past week with ascents of a new sit start to Dan Varian's Bewilderness (f8B+), in Deep Dale, and a repeat of Aidan Roberts' Outliers (f8C), at Trowbarrow.

Will Bosi high on Bewilderness (Font 8C)  © Band of Birds
Will Bosi high on Bewilderness (Font 8C)
© Band of Birds

Will first climbed Bewilderness in June 2020, taking him just four attempts. He then returned to reclimb the problem shortly after for a film. Two years later, he returned to try the low start, repeating Bewilderness once again before getting to work on the sit. It was a formality after this and after a couple of attempts, Will had done all the moves and climbed it on his first try from the floor.

He has named the sit start Trance and it adds 9 moves of Font 8A climbing into Bewilderness.

A week later, Will was at Trowbarrow attempting Aidan Roberts' Outliers. Aidan made the first ascent of the problem in August 2020. The problem is on the back face of the Shelter Stone and starts sitting underneath Atrocity Exhibition (f8A).

Aidan described the problem: 'It pulls on two small crimps with a crucial thumb catch on the left hand. It makes three hard moves including a physical backhand in the roof whilst holding a draining shouldery position whilst walking your feet up very high to match into an undercut in the roof before following this roof line out left.'

Watch the video of Will on Outliers below:

Will has had an exceptional year so far; he had a productive trip over to Adam Ondra's hometown of Brno and more recently repeated another of Aidan's Font 8Cs on the Bowderstone called Silent Singer (f8C).

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Edinburgh born Will Bosi is one of the world's top climbers. At just 17 years of age, Will became the youngest Brit to have climbed 9a with his repeat of Rainshadow at Malham Cove. In 2018 he became first British male...

Will's Athlete Page 62 posts 34 videos

14 Jun, 2022

He also climbed The Southern Hooligan at Raven Tor a few weeks back: a 9a route with an 8B+/8C boulder prob start. Doesn't seem to have been reported on here though.


All extremely impressive...

14 Jun, 2022

Will has reported three 8C boulders in the last week, also repeating Aidan's Silent Singer at the Bowderstone

14 Jun, 2022

And Silent Singer another 8C of Aiden's, not sure if that quite makes it into 'in a week' but pretty close.

Agree, the stuff he's done over the last few months feels pretty incredible!

14 Jun, 2022

There seems to be quite a lot of ascents which aren't getting reported on here. Took over a week for anything to appear about Josh Ibbertson doing Rainman. That's big news!

I'm not sure if you saw my comment over on the thread regarding Josh's ascent of Rainman, but that outlines the reasons why, although I think we all feel like this was a fairly major omission. It is, like you say, 'big news'.

As a bit more background, Natalie has been on holiday over the last couple of weeks, which has presented us with problems, because in her absence we have very little backup. Nick Brown was originally employed with this in mind, but his role has morphed into something completely different, and now almost exclusively focussed on film. Whilst I dabble in editorial from time to time, Natalie's absence has coincided with our major UK trade show, so I've been firmly focussed on that.

These probably all sound like excuses, and to an extent they are, but hopefully they provide a bit of context. In terms of how we proceed, prevent a situation like this occurring again, and be more proactive with our news reporting I think the answer is quite simple: we need another member of staff.

Your post, and the other thread, coupled with the various events and absences of the last few weeks, have brought that to the fore, so bear with whilst we discuss and decide quite what we're going to do...

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