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Teacher in Manchester


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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 14 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Egerton Quarry, Wilton 2, Cadshaw Quarry, Orpierre, Gorges du Tarn, Jumbles, Sector 45, Piedestal, Barranc del Ferry, Escalada deportiva en Busot ... plus 4 more

Photo Gallery


© M_Robinson

Jim on The Turtle’s Head

Jim on The Turtle’s Head
© M_Robinson

"There's so much going on!"

"There's so much going on!"
© Ruth Sullivan

Dan, pre-whipper

Dan, pre-whipper
© M_Robinson

Soloing Brown's Crack

Soloing Brown's Crack
© Ruth Sullivan

Rachel Slater on Slippery People E2 (Serengeti)

Rachel Slater on Slippery People E2 (Serengeti)
© M_Robinson

Phil on Blind Man’s Traverse

Phil on Blind Man’s Traverse
© M_Robinson


© M_Robinson

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I've voted for 89 photos, average vote 4.8.
(89% superb - 5% good - 3% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

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