craig h

Email User

My climbing has slowed down since we had kids, but still as active as I can. I have worked in the roped access industry for 34years now, prior to that it was agriculture, working for the Yorkshire Dales National Park as a warden and a dry stone waller.

My world now seams to revolve around my kids & Moorland Gritstone, but enjoy doing long classic routes in the hills when I can escape Saddleworth.

Gateway to the Chew Valley

Best Climbing Experience
Probably soloing 100 routes at the Roaches in a day with a mate when we should have been working.

The Old Man of Hoy experience, it�s not just the climb! That good I�ve done it 3 times to date.

Cullin Ridge, took me 4 attempts due to the weather, but well worth it, especially watching the amazing sunset, sat in my bivi-bag at the Inn Pinn with a good malt in my hand.

Now its summer evenings in the Chew Valley followed by a couple of pints.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Moorland Gritstone, obscure venues and general crap if bored.

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 8 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Pule Hill Rocks, Upperwood Quarry, Den Lane Quarry, Pack Horse Quarry, Standedge Quarry, Slades Rocks, Ashway Rocks, Schlegeis

Photo Gallery

Morning Mist Hugging the Chew Valley.

Morning Mist Hugging the Chew Valley.
© craig h

Early morning in the Chew Valley

Early morning in the Chew Valley
© craig h

Chew Reservoir with snow and light poloution

Chew Reservoir with snow and light poloution
© craig h

Fire at Wimberry

Fire at Wimberry
© craig h

The Bellmouth - Chew Valley

The Bellmouth - Chew Valley
© craig h

Alderman and Dovestones Quarries Reflected

Alderman and Dovestones Quarries Reflected
© craig h

After The Rain, Sunshine and Calm Waters, Alderman Reflection

After The Rain, Sunshine and Calm Waters, Alderman Reflection
© craig h

The crag bites back!

The crag bites back!
© craig h

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