DMM Military/Tactical Gear

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 RyanC 10 Nov 2010
Is anybody else as excited as me that DMM have started selling their military gear to the general public? Little bit more expensive than the standard stuff though...
I know what santa will be bringing me this christmas!
 Dauphin 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:

>I know what santa will be bringing me this christmas!

You won't be able to find it though.


 Null 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:
> Is anybody else as excited as me that DMM have started selling their military gear to the general public?

Presumably you spend most of your free time buried in the garden breathing through a straw ...

 TobyA 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: I also got the V12 email. I can't say I'm excited but I am intrigued. I remember seeing it in the DMM catalogue and thinking 'weird'. Does anyone know why military would buy say ice axes in 'tactical colours? Abseiling equipment and krabs - absolutely. I'm sure many police forces would buy them as well as military. But ice tools or cams?

Obviously military contracts become big business for some firms - I remember selling a Camelbak to a soldier back in the mid-90s from the outdoor shop I was working in. He was going to 'give it go' having heard about them from mountain biking mates, and thought it might be useful whilst on exercises or deployment. Now half the Camelbak website is dedicated to their military and 'tactical' systems. But I'm still intrigued by who needs a black DMM Rebel ice axe or no. 4 Dragon!
 Wile E. Coyote 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:
> (In reply to ryanconroy) ........But I'm still intrigued by who needs a black DMM Rebel ice axe or no. 4 Dragon!

Have you not seen 'For Your Eyes Only'?

Not sure about the axe though.
 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:
> (In reply to ryanconroy) Does anyone know why military would buy say ice axes in 'tactical colours? Abseiling equipment and krabs - absolutely. I'm sure many police forces would buy them as well as military. But ice tools or cams?

The SAS, SBS, Royal Marines and a few other odds and sods have 'Mountain Troops' trained to lead their counterparts through that sort of terrain. Hence why British Forces spend so much time in Norway.

Having said that, most think its a tad farcical, if you're close enough to see the colour of a cam at night, then you'd probably be able to hear them anyway.

In reply to ryanconroy:

You are a sad sad Walter Mitty of a man
And Dauphin is right, using it for practical everyday use is a nightmare because you cant find anything, and everything is the same colour! I can't believe they've got the cheek to sell it at a higher price, lol.
 nikinko 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:
> Does anyone know why military would buy say ice axes in 'tactical colours? Abseiling equipment and krabs - absolutely. I'm sure many police forces would buy them as well as military. But ice tools or cams?

I can't quite see how black is a tactical colour for an ice tool!
 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to nikinko:
> (In reply to TobyA)
> [...]
> I can't quite see how black is a tactical colour for an ice tool!

Well, lots of the kit is white (clothing), but then you have black bits too because if you need an axe, the terrain is often a monochrome mixture, not just white. The point is, it's not red.
 TobyA 10 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:

> The SAS, SBS, Royal Marines and a few other odds and sods have 'Mountain Troops' trained to lead their counterparts through that sort of terrain. Hence why British Forces spend so much time in Norway.

Sure. You can buy ex-Finnish army skis for very little here (mainly because they aren't very good), so white skis makes sense. I've heard that Scarpa Vega plastic boots are bought by the thousands by the Indian army for their guys who are up on the sensitive borders with China on the high Himalayan glaciers. And many of my mates in Finland starting off ice climbing had black Lowa plastic boots which bizarrely they ordered online from some surplus place in North Wales! They were all IIRC German army stock and by far the cheapest crampon compatible boots available. But I still suspect that if you had to raid a heavy water plant in Rjukan again, you would be unlikely to think sneaking up on it via a WI4 would be the most sensible approach!

> Having said that, most think its a tad farcical, if you're close enough to see the colour of a cam at night, then you'd probably be able to hear them anyway.

Yep. Ice climbing might be many things, but quiet is not one of them!

Paul F 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:
> Little bit more expensive than the standard stuff though…

Add 20% for the word 'Tactical" applied to a product. Will they be doing silent torque nuts.
 d_b 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Paul F:
> (In reply to ryanconroy)
> [...]
> Add 20% for the word 'Tactical" applied to a product. Will they be doing silent torque nuts.

Shhhh! We aren't allowed to torque about them.
Paul F 10 Nov 2010
In reply to davidbeynon:

So I can't run around shouting "LETS GET TACTICAL MARINES" in an Aliens type manner?
Rat know-all 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:
Stealth ninja gear, I want a full rack now.
Oh hold on, no sorry, forget that.
Removed User 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Paul F:

Isn't 20% a pretty good value markup for military procurement?

Generally I thought it was about 500% for larger equipment...
Rat know-all 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Removed User:
Get back to work you.
 ChrisHolloway1 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: Looks awesome, now I can relive my call of duty fantasies with white DMM flys
almost sane 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:

Can you get tactical stoves? And a tactical spoon to eat your tactical food (sorry, your rations)?

I have dabbled in some of the bushcraft stuff, and my impression is that as soon as something is labelled "tactical" the price goes up and the quality down. Just look at tactical knives and tactical axes. Having said that, I expect the DMM tactical kit will retain the usual DMM high quality.

The strange thing is, genuine military spec stuff like survival knives tend to be cheap and not at all trendy.

Of course, if an item was genuinely tactical, it would be held together with gaffer tape and cable ties
In reply to ryanconroy: ninja gear is a funny concept, but I imagine it would be a right ball-ache!
 GarethSL 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: you'll have to steal them of these guys first...

And if anyone is wondering the pics are from 'cold response' 2010
Paul F 10 Nov 2010
In reply to dunkymonkey17:
> (In reply to ryanconroy) ninja gear is a funny concept, but I imagine it would be a right ball-ache!

Slack on black………no the other black….
 stewieatb 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Paul F:
> (In reply to dunkymonkey17)
> [...]
> Slack on black………no the other black….

Beal Joker anyone?
 summo 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:
> (In reply to jonny2vests)
> . But I still suspect that if you had to raid a heavy water plant in Rjukan again, you would be unlikely to think sneaking up on it via a WI4 would be the most sensible approach!

I think you could sneak up quite quietly, just using other folks axe placement after a busy day there. Footwork would still make a little noise, plus a bit of gear clanking too.
Paul F 10 Nov 2010
In reply to stewieatb:
> (In reply to Paul F)
> [...]
> Beal Joker anyone?

 TobyA 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Gaz lord:

> And if anyone is wondering the pics are from 'cold response' 2010

So the whilst the Brits are having a laugh ice climbing, everyone else seems to have been practising their soldiering!

 GarethSL 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA: I never knew Finland were allowed such relations with NATO, I was under the impression from some Finnish friends that if they were to join, then the poopie would hit the whirlie (so to speak) thing with Russia. Or did I misunderstand?
 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to almost sane:
> (In reply to ryanconroy)
> I have dabbled in some of the bushcraft stuff, and my impression is that as soon as something is labelled "tactical" the price goes up and the quality down.

Yeah, cos there's plenty of oddballs like the OP who will pay any price to live out their fantasy as 'Mohammed I'm 'ard Bruce Lee'.

 TobyA 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Gaz lord:
> I never knew Finland were allowed such relations with NATO, I was under the impression from some Finnish friends that if they were to join, then the poopie would hit the whirlie (so to speak) thing with Russia. Or did I misunderstand?

Finland's relations with NATO go back to 91, and they have been a member of Partnership for Peace since it began. Your Finnish mates are giving you the rather 'received wisdom version', but it's quite a lot more complex than that. If you are interested, you can download a three page briefing I wrote on Finland and NATO here: it goes over in three pages the main arguments.

Now, back to black ice axes...
 mdh 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: I'm not sure why a set of nuts being coloured black and olive makes them ~£40 more than the original set?

I can see the odd forces person wanting to buy bits a peices to supplement what they get issued with, but then from my limited knowledge of the forces I don't see every soldier using this stuff and if its really specialist my impression was that there was loads of gear for them?
 dread-i 10 Nov 2010
In reply to nikinko:
>I can't quite see how black is a tactical colour for an ice tool!

Everyone knows that black ice is far more dangerous than standard white ice. We should be applauding the fact that our boys now have the correct kit to deal with this. Of course, ninjas have had similar ice tools for centuries, but that's because they're ninjas and they have real ultimate power.
 Mitch1990 10 Nov 2010
In reply to mdh: Those nuts do look pretty cool but for £112.50 . . . On your bike son!

Coloured kit is deferentially a lot better for what most of us use it for, for quick selection when you know what you need.

This really inst anything to get excited about unless you have to much money coming up to Christmas, if this is the case let me know and ill paint my rack whatever colour you want and give it you for well lets say £500???

 GarethSL 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: I think the real question here should be.... Is DMM gear truly squaddie proof?
 3leggeddog 10 Nov 2010
In reply to mitchellbowen1990:
> (In reply to mdh) Those nuts do look pretty cool but for £112.50 . . . On your bike son!
Ah but you forget "the premium"; whenever someone supplies equipment or services to the public sector, it ALWAYS carries a 30% lets fleece the tax payer premium.

DMM are just following the rules!

 Dom Whillans 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:
this isn't military gear, it's for climbing goths and emo boulderers who fancy stepping up to the plate and actually climbing for a change...
 Skyfall 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:

> But I still suspect that if you had to raid a heavy water plant in Rjukan again, you would be unlikely to think sneaking up on it via a WI4 would be the most sensible approach!

Ah, but that's exactly the point, they wouldn't be expecting you to take the easy/sensible approach! Therefore, that's exactly the way you ought to approach. Who cares how hard or ludicrous it is, it's a little like climbing being pointless, who dares wins!
almost sane 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:
> (In reply to Gaz lord)
> [...]
> So the whilst the Brits are having a laugh ice climbing, everyone else seems to have been practising their soldiering!

Why are all these photos sloping to the right?
Has Scandinavia experienced some strange geological event?
 Skyfall 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Gaz lord:

Do you reckon someone would run around to the top of the waterfall first to set up a top rope before they carry out their assault?

J1234 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:
i can just see it now in Lost and Found :- Lost Jan 14th in Corrie Nicky nacky noo DMM Fly in tactical white.
Believe me orange is the colour you want
 The New NickB 10 Nov 2010
In reply to 3leggeddog:
> (In reply to mitchellbowen1990)
> [...]
> Ah but you forget "the premium"; whenever someone supplies equipment or services to the public sector, it ALWAYS carries a 30% lets fleece the tax payer premium.
> DMM are just following the rules!

I cannot speak for MOD procurement, I know it does not have the best reputation, but in my little bit of the public sector we usually pay between 50 and 70% what the public pay for the same goods.

I suspect DMM give the MOD a healthy discount.
 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to mdh:
> (In reply to ryanconroy) I'm not sure why a set of nuts being coloured black and olive makes them ~£40 more than the original set?

Cos they don't make many.

> I can see the odd forces person wanting to buy bits a peices to supplement what they get issued with...

Can you? I can't. Just the odd sad civvie.
 Alex T (RAFMA) 10 Nov 2010
In reply to The New NickB:
DMM have been great supporters of our service mountaineering sports also:

MOD has in my experience always got a good deal on mountaineering kit when we have needed to buy it from DMM and other manufacturers. I've never bought black nuts or white ice axes though!
Chris Ellyatt 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:

Tactical cams? I thought the military advocated bolting?

 pol 10 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:
> (In reply to mdh)
> [...]
> Cos they don't make many.
> [...]
> Can you? I can't. Just the odd sad civvie.

And cadets and TA.
Ian Black 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: Why o why would any civillian want to buy this gear unless it was at give away prices?
 halfwaythere 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: I would - for a song - then paint it in colours that DMM never even imagined....
workblowschunks 10 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests: 'Mohammed I'm 'ard Bruce Lee'.

You show me how to control a wild f*cking gypsy and I'll show you how to control an unhinged, pig-feeding gangster.

 TobyA 10 Nov 2010
In reply to almost sane: Good point, maybe he had "tactical camera" and couldn't see it well enough to hold it straight. Or perhaps its an unsubtle hint that the Finns are sliding towards the left, i.e. West!
 Damo 10 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:
> (In reply to mdh)
> [...]
> Cos they don't make many.
> [...]
> Can you? I can't. Just the odd sad civvie.

There have been plenty of stories about serving soldiers in Afghanistan buying their own kit. Recently Australian soldiers were paying up to $5,000 of their own money for new boots, GPS and other gear and the same is said of many US soldiers. That is how the Camelbak thing took off - they see something better and just go buy it. Criticism of the standard issue gear is widespread. Both Arcteryx (for CAN) and Wild Things and Patagonia (US) have a big line in military clothing.

 TobyA 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Damo: That's interesting. I hadn't realised Patagonia do. What do they make? They definitely keep it off their website with their big corporate responsibility message.
 Dauphin 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:

Same gucci shit in desert (like you'd notice the difference).



 GarethSL 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA: pops up every now and again on ebay; Patagonia MARS gear, lots of dull coloured clothing from their civilian line plus some other general gear.

Didn't mountain equipment make military sleeping bags at one point?
 Damo 10 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA:

In addition to that noted above, yep, they make a drab olive version of some of their regular stuff - Capilene baselayers, R1 fleece, DAS parka, Mixmaster pants etc. I used to buy MM pants for Antarctica from which had the whole range.

As to how it gels with the corporate responsibility thing, I guess that's a matter of opinion. Personally I don't like the idea of supporting the warmongering policies our countries currently pursue, but I don't like to begrudge fighting soldiers better gear if they want it, and of course it's not really any of my business if they want to do it. I've always found Chouinard to be a disingenuous blow-hard anyway, so I don't put too much store in the whole Patagonia marketing guff. And their sleeves are too short

 Ridge 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Gaz lord:
> (In reply to ryanconroy) I think the real question here should be.... Is DMM gear truly squaddie proof?

I doubt it. Left in an empty room with two ball bearings the average squaddie would lose one and break the other

Ian Black 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Gaz lord: I had a pair of issue Matterhorns and Lowa plastics from my military days, decent kit but I wouldn't wear it as a civillian when the world's your Oyster.
 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Damo:
> (In reply to jonny2vests)
> [...]
> There have been plenty of stories about serving soldiers in Afghanistan buying their own kit.

Well yeah, they all do it, I've done it myself and you'd be daft not to. But we're talking about DMM climbing gear here. No Bill Oddie I know would do that.

 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to Alex T (RAFMA):

Were you at the comp Alex? RAF did pretty well this year, got spanked by two of the buggers and one of them had only been climbing ten minutes.
 Jonny2vests 10 Nov 2010
In reply to pol:
> (In reply to jonny2vests)
> [...]
> And cadets and TA.

Roger that.
spartan 10 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:

Oh good god! DO you think the Military even bothers using matt black cams, there is no silent sneaking up a rock face with climbing kit and then combat kit.

One to many Andy McFlabb stories before bed I think.
 mdh 11 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:

You are right I bow down to your superior knowledge of everything.

I doubt a limited run of products means that there is a 50% increase in the manufacturing costs even when you take into account the companies profit margin.

I know plenty of people in the forces who are kit monsters and would love to get their hands on a nice matte finish black karabiner. I didn't say that your average infanteer would be running out and buying a full rack and a set of axes for his next trip to Afghanistan.
 Denni 11 Nov 2010
In reply to spartan:

If you take a visit to Sennen when the rock phase of the ML courses are running, you will see that all the rock climbing kit issued to the guys on the course is black or DPM.

Saying that, I've never seen them use a white ice axe when they go to Norway for the ice climbing phase!
In reply to ryanconroy: how do they get black slings on their cam's etc dyneema only comes in white does it mean they are solely nylon slings?
 Alex T (RAFMA) 11 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:

Hi, No I didn't, I am a bit injured at the moment. Nice to see the few RAF can take on the Army hordes and win through with some talent!!
 Jonny2vests 11 Nov 2010
In reply to Alex T (RAFMA):
> (In reply to jonny2vests)
> Hi, No I didn't, I am a bit injured at the moment. Nice to see the few RAF can take on the Army hordes and win through with some talent!!

Win through with some reach more like . The semi was about 8a+, the only people getting through were gibbons and 8c beasts.

 Jonny2vests 11 Nov 2010
In reply to mdh:
> (In reply to jonny2vests)
> You are right I bow down to your superior knowledge of everything.

Good. Well done.

> I know plenty of people in the forces who are kit monsters and would love to get their hands on a nice matte finish black karabiner.

Yeah, some squaddies do buy a black krab, after which it stays forever clipped to their patrol sack looking nice. Stuff like that has Nato Serial Numbers though, so anyone with any sense will get them through the stores chain.

 TobyA 11 Nov 2010
In reply to Damo:

> but I don't like to begrudge fighting soldiers better gear if they want it,

Yep, totally agree. Having worked in outdoor shops a bit I remember selling good few olive Buffalo shirts to soldiers so they could use them for work as well as for hobbies.

> And their sleeves are too short

But you just outed yourself on another thread as a giant!!! So it's hardly surprising.

 Jonny2vests 11 Nov 2010
In reply to minus273degrees:
> (In reply to ryanconroy) how do they get black slings on their cam's etc dyneema only comes in white does it mean they are solely nylon slings?

Pretty sure it comes in any colour you like.
 Jonny2vests 11 Nov 2010
In reply to spartan:
> (In reply to ryanconroy)
> Oh good god! DO you think the Military even bothers using matt black cams, there is no silent sneaking up a rock face with climbing kit and then combat kit.
> One to many Andy McFlabb stories before bed I think.

You haven't been paying attention have you.

 MJ 11 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:

"Pretty sure it comes in any colour you like".

Dyneema only comes in white.

 Jonny2vests 11 Nov 2010
In reply to MJ:
> (In reply to jonny2vests)
> "Pretty sure it comes in any colour you like".
> Dyneema only comes in white.

What, like cotton only comes in white? Then it gets faffed with to make it whatever? Even if its woven in with something else, the result is not white.

I've got a cupboard full of non-white dyneema slings that seems to disagree with you.
 abr1966 11 Nov 2010
In reply to spartan: You'd be surprised what is used and adapted....i have prevoiusly painted axes and used black kit.. anything to hide you a bit more is worth it if you think someone may be having a pop at you!
 mdh 11 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:
Yeah, some squaddies do buy a black krab, after which it stays forever clipped to their patrol sack looking nice. Stuff like that has Nato Serial Numbers though, so anyone with any sense will get them through the stores chain.

At no point in my posts did I say that the afore mentioned black krab would actually be used for anything vaguely useful!
 TobyA 11 Nov 2010
In reply to jonny2vests:

> I've got a cupboard full of non-white dyneema slings that seems to disagree with you.

I think the pedantic point is that you have cupboard full of slings made out of a mix of dyneema (the white bit) and other nylons (the coloured bits). I also understood that dyneema can't be dyed, hence those funky white ultra light sacks that some Americans have, but the technology may have changed recently.
 GarethSL 11 Nov 2010
In reply to MJ:

> Dyneema only comes in white.

my black and blue dyneema slings think otherwise
 GarethSL 11 Nov 2010
In reply to TobyA: Wait, so you're saying my dyneema sling isn't all dyneema...? I feel lied to. Or is there a specific reason why they would mix it with other materials?
 TobyA 11 Nov 2010
In reply to Gaz lord:
> I feel lied to.

> Or is there a specific reason why they would mix it with other materials?

Yeah - because your slings would be easy to lose in the snow if they were al white!

This is just what I remember from reading it on some manufacturers website or people discussing it here, but I'm pretty certain that at least was the case.

In reply to Gaz lord: I thought that the white bit was dyneema and the rest was nylon giving the sling a bit of stretch but how they are making them smaller by using more dyneema
Ian Black 11 Nov 2010
In reply to abr1966: The DPM chalk in the climbers shop is selling like hot cakes
 abr1966 11 Nov 2010
In reply to Ian Black:
> (In reply to abr1966) The DPM chalk in the climbers shop is selling like hot cakes

Aye....there'll be plenty of grit concealment up at Stanage! It was white and magnolia mix for our axes, B&Q special...just the job!!
Phil Payne 11 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy:

I have about 20 black DMM screwgates. I only tried to order one to see what they were like, but I didn't know the DofQ and a box of 50 turned up. Bit heavy though, but look nice.
 a crap climber 11 Nov 2010
In reply to mdh:

> Yeah, some squaddies do buy a black krab, after which it stays forever clipped to their patrol sack looking nice. Stuff like that has Nato Serial Numbers though, so anyone with any sense will get them through the stores chain.
> At no point in my posts did I say that the afore mentioned black krab would actually be used for anything vaguely useful!

Every soldier is issued a chunky black krab with via ferrata style gate. Theyre very usefull for clipping your sack to the outside of vehicles
 Milesy 11 Nov 2010
In reply to The New NickB:
> (In reply to 3leggeddog)
> [...]
> I cannot speak for MOD procurement, I know it does not have the best reputation, but in my little bit of the public sector we usually pay between 50 and 70% what the public pay for the same goods.
> I suspect DMM give the MOD a healthy discount.

DMM wholesale is already like 50% cheaper or something.
Mr Eddie 12 Nov 2010
I've just left the gun trade where normal stuff gets the matt black / tacticool treatment and the price rockets. Now the climbing trader does it. FFS why can't the armchair "special forces" just f**k off.
 Richiehill 13 Nov 2010
In reply to Sparky LaRoue: And your helmet to your webbing
 ChrisHolloway1 13 Nov 2010
In reply to Mr Eddie: Easy solution, stop moaning and don't buy it
 Eddie1234 14 Nov 2010
In reply to ryanconroy: I think the saddest bit about all this gear is we all know someone who will buy a full rack off just because its 'tactical'!

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