NEWS: FRI NIGHT VID: Ron Fawcett, Jerry Moffatt, John Allen and Pete Whittaker

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 UKC News 10 Jan 2014
Peak Rock, 3 kb

This week's Friday nighter is a really fun video of the Peak Rock book launch at The Climbing Works featuring: Ron Fawcett, Jerry Moffatt, John Allen and Pete Whittaker.

Brilliant! And great to see young Pete Whittaker up on the stage.

 Wft 10 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

7.24 made my year, funny!
 MikeStuart 10 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Oh, Johnny was cut out... that is a shame!
 Chris the Tall 10 Jan 2014
In reply to MikeStuart26:
He's in there, oddly enough he could see the funny side at that point
In reply to UKC News:

Ahh brilliant! Wish I had managed to get a ticket!
 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 10 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Excellent, sad to have missed that.

 alooker 10 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Good vid, thanks!
 ericincheddar 10 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Any chance of seeing the whole video?
 JayK 10 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

That was great! Loved Fawcett's view on projects!
In reply to MikeStuart26:

> Oh, Johnny was cut out... that is a shame!

I'm not. I thought his behaviour was shameful. He came across as a complete dick, as Niall said at the time. He was nasty, agressive, abusive and deeply unpleasant to everyone; I don't remember anyone laughing. No wonder the organisers decided to exlude him from the Sofa of Legends.
 MikeStuart 10 Jan 2014
In reply to Frank the Husky:

Its called sarcasm. But yes, it was a very cringe moment during his rant (even with 8 or so pints inside my belly)
 Diggler 11 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

I would love to see the full version of this.
 ChrisJD 11 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Brilliant banter, loved it.
In reply to UKC News:

Top video really loved it esp John Allen at 7.24
 Mick Ward 11 Jan 2014
In reply to Kipper-Phil Smith:

Hi Phil,

Totally agree. You certainly can't fault his honesty! I so wish I'd been there. (My own fault I wasn't.)

Best wishes,

 jon 11 Jan 2014
In reply to Mick Ward:

Hey Mick, I've listened to that comment a few times now but can't quite make out JA's reply. Sounded like '... just bitter...' or something like that?
 Mick Ward 11 Jan 2014
In reply to jon:

Apropos of 'glad that things had moved on', etc, etc.

"No, I was just really bitter."

Delivered in the most deadpan manner imaginable! Full marks to him. That arĂȘte is a thing of beauty. Even now, I sometimes wonder... oh, let's not go there.

Best wishes,

 diff 11 Jan 2014
In reply to JimmyKay:

> Loved Fawcett's view on projects!

Yea me too. It made me wonder if more first ascents would get done with these old school tactics.
 Chris the Tall 11 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Re projects, have things really changed ?

Haven't Bolted projects always been respected ? Ok there were stories of padlocking frying pans to bolts in the very early days....

As to Grit, is there really a secret booking system for major lines ?
 Mick Ward 11 Jan 2014
In reply to diff:

Again, as with John Allen, Big Ron was being brutally honest. After all, Pete had been his mentor and, for Pete (loved him and all) with FAs, there were no prisoners.

40 years on, the world is a rather different place. In Yorkshire, Derbyshire and the Lakes, in the 1970s and early 1980s, it was pretty much dog eat dog re FAs. At times it was bitter (read the old new routes books). I, for one, wouldn't want to go back to those bad old days.

From the sublime to the ridiculous, on a personal basis, I feel like going back to new routes this year. The obvious 'rival', as well as being a legendary climber, is a mate. I would never want it to get personal. For me, it just wouldn't be worth it.


 jamesg85 11 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

I take it the Johnny everyone is referring too is Johnny Dawes...? I too thought it odd that he wasn't up there. What did he say that was so bad, that meant he wasn't invited onto the sofa? It seems out of character but then I don't know him. That's a shame as he is such a key figure in the history of Peak district rock climbing.
 goose299 12 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

isn't in johnny dawes that gives JA a slap around as he's introduced?
 Michael Hood 12 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Is there a full length video? Looks like it was a lot of fun.
 BlownAway 12 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

For me one of the highlights of the launch evening was Steve Bancroft playing guitar and singing. I've put this up on Vimeo at:

 GridNorth 12 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Any representatives from pre-Fawcett days? If not why not?
 BlownAway 12 Jan 2014
In reply to GridNorth:

> Any representatives from pre-Fawcett days? If not why not?

Well, John Allen could have been classed as pre-Fawcett.

Actually there were lots of earlier folk at the launch, right back to Ron Townsend who is now 94 I think.
 Mick Ward 12 Jan 2014
In reply to BlownAway:

Hi Phil,

Thanks for sticking this on. Good to see that silver tongued Steve's still on form!

 BlownAway 12 Jan 2014
In reply to Mick Ward:

No problem Mick. It was a real shame you couldn't be there, but hopefully the three videos kind of make up for it a bit?

There's also a link to a photo album on the book's FB page.

 Mick Ward 12 Jan 2014
In reply to BlownAway:

Many thanks indeed. The videos give a real sense of the flavour of the night, to all of us who weren't there. Oh, what a night...

Russ Walling 13 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC News:

Say, that was a nice few minutes with those guys. Ta!

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