NEWS: Harriet Ridley repeats The Quarryman (E8 7a)

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 UKC News 06 Jun 2022

Harriet Ridley has climbed The Quarryman (E8 7a) in Twll Mawr, in the Llanberis slate quarries, completing all four pitches in a single push.

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In reply to UKC News:

Great work. It’s good to hear of relatively unknown (to me, anyway) climbers having the wherewithal to get on this sort of thing and succeed. Also interesting to hear about the mental approach used; we can all copy that at whatever our level might be.


 Sean Kelly 07 Jun 2022
In reply to UKC News:

An easy day for a lady?

 Moacs 07 Jun 2022
In reply to UKC News:

Well done!

It amuses me that the Fire Escape (can't do the accent) was billed as the easy alternative finish and gas zero logbook ascents!

 Trythallj 07 Jun 2022
In reply to UKC News:

Well done Harriet!

In reply to johncoxmysteriously:

> Great work. It’s good to hear of relatively unknown (to me, anyway) climbers having the wherewithal to get on this sort of thing and succeed. Also interesting to hear about the mental approach used; we can all copy that at whatever our level might be.

> jcm

And of course it might be that we will here a lot more from her in the future.

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