In reply to stp:
> It's an interesting point. My assumption is that it was a cloudy day and it came into the sun because of a break in the clouds. But I don't know for sure. I thought that those faces don't get much sun at all anyway, regardless of cloud cover, but it's been a long time since I've climbed on Cloggy.
I suppose it was predictable that it would come into the sun, but given everything else going through my head and all of the other factors I was weighing up, neither I nor James (belaying) had anticipated it. To be honest I hadn't realised the time, I had spent almost an hour getting my head straight before the lead.
I think James thought it would have been best to down-climb from some kit backed-up with a skyhook or something, which would have been sensible, but when you've committed that far you don't really want to back down.
I was chalking up a lot more than usual, particularly while trying to fiddle in all the little RPs, but actually by the time I left the contemplation ledge it wasn't too much hotter if it were in the shade.