FRI NIGHT VID: Lunag Ri with David Lama and Conrad Anker

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 UKC News 03 Aug 2018
This week's Friday Night Video is a documentary about David Lama and Conrad Anker's attempts to climb Lunag Ri (6907m), on the border of Tibet and Nepal. The pair first set out to summit the unclimbed peak in 2016, although had to retreat just shy of the summit. A year later they returned, but despite outstanding conditions and the cumulative knowledge from the previous trip, Himalayan peaks have a habit of biting back...

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 Speed Reed 03 Aug 2018
In reply to UKC News:

Great video with amazing footage.Really captured the brutal side of cutting edge high altitude mountaineering.nerve wracking viewing at times.Great effort from David and Conrad and glad they both lived to fight another day.

 olddirtydoggy 04 Aug 2018
In reply to UKC News:

The crimpy bit with the gloves was impossible to watch.

 Mark123 05 Aug 2018
In reply to UKC News:

Thoroughly enjoyable and captivating video, thanks. The climbing sequences were mind blowing - what an immensely challenging route! Top class high altitude mountaineering. Great to see Lama and Anker in climbing action together, and to hear their views on the climb. 

 ericincheddar 05 Aug 2018
In reply to UKC News:

That was gripping!

 ericincheddar 05 Aug 2018
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

Yes, incredible

 GDes 06 Aug 2018

I occasionally think I'd be good at hard climbing in the himalayas. That film confirms to me that I wouldn't. David Lama must be a contender for the best all rounder in the world. How many people doing that sort of thing have also climbed 9a?

In reply to UKC News:

Great film, incredible climbing and amazing quality especially in the distance shots. I did wonder though, aside from Conrads heart attack, maybe they would have had a summit if they set up at least a reasonably stocked high camp rather than try to do an alpine style push. I get that they wanted the pure ascent, but it seemed like they were both struggling with the style on this particular route and that's more or less why they didn't make it. 

 Rad 08 Aug 2018

Great film. To see top alpinists of two generations at their limit on a strikingly beautiful unclimbed peak is fascinating, inspiring, scary, and thought-provoking. I nearly had a heart attack watching the climbing sequence at 29 minutes! It's much more interesting when things don't work out than when they do, but I'm really glad David and Conrad both came out OK.

Post edited at 08:26
 wbo 10 Aug 2018
In reply to purplemonkeyelephant: Given that the climbing looks pretty fraught, how do they create a well stocked high camp without foxing ropes, which they didn't want to do.


In reply to wbo:

Fair question. Maybe setup a ledge, ab off, rest, then climb back up to it, rest, and then go for the summit? David seemed unprepared for a high bivi, when Conrad seemed up for it but then agreed to go down. Davids third attempt he had a tent and set up camp high on the ridge, is that too high to have a rest day without o2? Otherwise was wondering why he didn't rest, go up to the summit without his heavy pack and then go back down to his high camp before descending. 

Anyway, it's all speculation high above my pay grade. 

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