THE LOWDOWN: Thomas Willenberg: Exclusive interview

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Thomas Willenberg on The Island, 8B+, Fontainebleau, 3 kbFor some years now, ever since I heard the first rumours in fact, I have been wanting to get in touch with the enigmatic Thomas Willenberg, from Sachsen, Germany. I tried a few times before, but without success. I sort of forgot about it when no more news about him came in...
Then a couple of...

 thommi 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC: right then i'll be the first one to say it then... interesting interview, clearly strong climber but... those tickmarks are disgraceful!
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:

Great interview. It's always interesting to hear more about elusive underground beasts! (although you'll probably get more comments about the tickmarks on shiva)
 snoop6060 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:

What's an Art Therapist?
In reply to snoop6060: I found some info here: but it didn't make me much wiser.
 snoop6060 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:

Argh, I thought it was counselling for people who have spent piles of money on art, then woke up one day and realised it makes them look and act like a pretentious prick.

Reckon there is plenty of money in that.
 Marc C 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC: How tall is Thomas?
Southbeach 23 Sep 2011
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC: Good job with the interview! Really inspiring.
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:

Interesting interview, rubbish tickmarks (possibly not his, to be fair), great spelling of 'never-seizing'.

 augustus trout 24 Sep 2011
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:
Really good article I'd love to see more like this on UKC and to those who keep harping on about tick marks ... grow up. I'ts hardly that bad, its in shot so you can see the sequence / problem and we've all left our fair share of chalk around.
As long as he hasn't left a turd at the base, his rubbish or introduced a group of under 10's to the the words F**K and Scheisser he's doing a better job than most.
 hobblingfool 26 Sep 2011
In reply to augustus trout: Well said. I have no idea what it feels like to climb something this hard but I would imagine the tick marks are helpful and he probably cleaned them off after anyway. Far better a tick mark that washes off in the rain that another self-righteous plodder thrutching up already tired VS’s with dirty shoes polishing the holds, falling repeatedly and ruining the rock in the process. i.e. Bowden Doors which is looking more worn out than Goldie Hawn’s face.
keu 26 Sep 2011
Yes! this is what we once got all the time from The Lowdown -- some real "journalism" -- in depth, engaging, doing a service by letting us learn about an important climber who is not well known. The three-sentence reprints of Paul Robinson blog posts just aren't cutting it. I hope you can do more like this. Really nice!
In reply to hobblingfool:

>Well said. I have no idea what it feels like to climb something this hard

Yes you have. It feels exactly like it does when you climb something hard.

>but I would imagine the tick marks are helpful

Shitting at crags is helpful. It saves walking.

>and he probably cleaned them off after anyway.

Yeah, right. Been to many hard bouldering areas in Europe, have we?


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