Burbage, Millstone and Beyond

Burbage, Millstone and Beyond cover photo
Author David Simmonite
Published British Mountaineering Council (2005)
ISBN 0-903908-77-8


Crags covered by this Guide
Derbyshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bamford Edge 391 Gritstone SW
Birch Quarry 6 Gritstone S
Crook Hill 30 Gritstone SW
Dovestone Tor 177 Gritstone W
Ladybower Quarry 43 Grit (quarried) S
Lawrencefield 215 Grit (quarried) W
Priddock Wood 17 Gritstone N
The Hurkling Stones (Rock Ahoy) 15 Gritstone S
The Wheelstones (AKA Coach and Horses) 21 Gritstone all
White Tor 14 Gritstone SW
South Yorkshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Abbey Brook Gorgelet and Crag 5 Gritstone ?
Agden Rocher 166 Gritstone SW
Back Tor 66 Gritstone all
Bell Hagg 159 Gritstone N
Boozer's Buttress 8 Gritstone S
Burbage North 555 Gritstone SW
Burbage South Edge 315 Gritstone NW
Burbage South Quarries 115 Grit (quarried) NW
Burbage South Valley Boulders 194 Gritstone all
Burbage West 86 Gritstone SE
Burtinat Rock 2 Grit (quarried) NE
Carl Wark 65 Gritstone NE
Fox Hagg 7 Gritstone N
Hallam View Buttress 9 Gritstone S
Hay Crook Common 4 Grit (quarried) W
Higgar Tor 225 Gritstone SW
Howshaw Tor 49 Gritstone N
Millstone Edge 292 Grit (quarried) W
Mother Cap and Quarry 71 Gritstone all
Over Owler Tor 61 Gritstone NW
Private Buttress 4 Gritstone SW
Rivelin Edge 230 Gritstone S
Rivelin Quarries 161 Grit (quarried) S
Secret Garden 66 Gritstone SW
Stannington Ruffs 82 Gritstone N
Tor Quarry 17 Gritstone N
Wharncliffe Crags 649 Gritstone W
Wyming Brook 80 Gritstone all

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