Scottish Rock Climbs (Wired)

Author Kevin Howett
Published Scottish Mountaineering Club (2022)
ISBN 978-1-907233-43-2



Wired Guides’ Scottish Rock Climbs showcases 1,760 of the very best trad and sport routes across Scotland, covering a wealth of climbing never before presented in a single volume. Its breadth and scope takes in the Galloway hills, the outcrops of the Central and North-West Highlands, the mountain ranges of Arran, the Cairngorms, Glen Coe, Lochaber, Torridon, Assynt and Sutherland, as well as the sea-cliffs of the north-east and north-west coasts, the Hebrides and the Northern Isles, and historical urban test-pieces at Dumbarton. Each of the routes is shown on a diagram and supported by detailed information gathered and compiled by local activists. It’s the book you need to inspire a lifetime’s worth of rock climbing adventure in Scotland. UKC review here –

Crags covered by this Guide
Aberdeenshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Beinn a' Bhuird 113 - all
Ben Macdui - Creagan a' Choire Etchachan 91 Granite all
Craig Stirling 56 Schist NE
Creag an Dubh-loch 119 - all
Eagles Rock 30 Granite SW
Earnsheugh 35 Schist NE
Lochnagar 329 Granite all
Logie Head 94 Greywacke E
Meackie Point 20 Granite SE
Murdoch Head 105 Granite all
Pass of Ballater 297 Granite S
Rosehearty 95 Greywacke NW
South Cove 78 Granite ?
Angus crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Red Craig (Glen Clova) 215 Diorites W
Argyll and Bute crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Beinn Trilleachan (Etive Slabs) 56 Granite SE
Creag a' Bhancair 40 Rhyolite W
Erraid Crags 251 Granite S
The Cobbler 163 Mica schist all
Arran crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
A'Chir 43 Granite all
Beinn Tarsuinn 16 Granite all
Cioch na h-Oighe 15 Granite E
Cir Mhor 75 Granite all
Goatfell 15 Granite all
North Glen Sannox 10 Granite E
Rosa Slabs 24 Granite W
Caithness crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ellens Geo 38 Sandstone (hard) S
Geo of Creagan Righe [Sgaps] 25 - all
Latheronwheel 128 Sandstone (hard) E
Mid Clyth 117 Sandstone (hard) SE
Sarclet 124 Conglomerate SE
Dumfries and Galloway crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Dungeon Hill 39 Granite all
Garheugh Port 84 Greywacke S
Hebrides crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Aird Mhor Bhragair 64 Gneiss all
Creag Mo 28 Gneiss SE
Dalbeg 92 Gneiss SW
Great Bernera 78 Gneiss all
Griomabhal 11 Gneiss all
Mingulay 520 Gneiss all
Pabbay 380 Gneiss all
Sròn Uladail (Strone Ulladale) 54 Gneiss W
Tamnasbhal 14 Gneiss all
Uig Sea Cliffs Central - Mhangarstaidh 318 Gneiss all
Highland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Aonach Dubh 241 Andesite all
Ardnamurchan Point 23 Gabbro NW
Beinn Eighe 211 Quartzite N
Beinn na Seilg 25 Gabbro all
Ben Nevis 523 Andesite all
Bidean nam Bian 93 Rhyolite all
Binnein Shuas 61 Microgranite all
Buachaille Etive Mor 316 Rhyolite all
Car Park Crag, Glen Nevis 14 Mica schist NW
Carnmore Crag 100 Gneiss S
Creag Bheag (The Mound) 32 Conglomerate SW
Creag Dubh (Newtonmore) 213 Schist S
Creag Mhor Tollaidh 1 Gneiss all
Diabaig 106 Gneiss W
Garbh Bheinn 62 Gneiss all
Goat Crag 86 Gneiss S
Gruinard Bay 59 Gneiss SW
Gruinard Crag 23 Gneiss NW
Indian Slab Crag 20 Gneiss N
Jetty Buttress 62 Gneiss NW
Loch Maree Crag 39 Gneiss NE
Lochan Dubh Crag 21 Gneiss SW
Polldubh Crags, Glen Nevis 547 Mica schist all
Raven's Crag, Gairloch 31 Gneiss SW
Rubha Carrach 21 Basalt SW
Sandwood Bay Crags 20 Gneiss W
Sgurr a' Chaorachain 43 Sandstone (hard) all
Sgurr an Fhidhleir 22 Sandstone (hard) N
Steall Gorge Crags, Glen Nevis 45 Mica schist all
Steall Meadows Crags, Glen Nevis 52 Mica schist SW
Stone Valley Crags 105 Gneiss SW
The Bastion 3 - S
Invernesshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ben Macdui - Stob Coire Sputan Dearg 118 Granite SE
Cairn Gorm - Cairn Lochan 131 Granite all
Cairn Gorm - Stob Coire an t-Sneachda 216 Granite N
Creag nan Clag 22 Conglomerate all
Dirc Mhor 45 Microgranite NW
Isle of Skye crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bla Bheinn 49 Gabbro all
Coir' Uisg Buttress 17 Gabbro SE
Kilt Rock, Staffin 67 Dolerite SE
Mad Burn Buttress 6 Gabbro E
Sron na Ciche 150 Gabbro NW
The Dubh Slabs 6 Gabbro E
Thearlaich-Dubh Buttress 11 Gabbro SW
Moray crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Hell's Lum 102 Granite SE
Shelterstone Crag 85 Granite NE
Stac an Fharaidh 58 Granite SE
Stag Rocks 87 Granite S
Orkney Islands crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
(Old Man of) Hoy 10 Sandstone (hard) ?
Castle of Yesnaby 8 Sandstone (hard) all
Rora Head 45 Sandstone (hard) ?
Tomb Of The Eagles 33 - ?
Yesnaby 202 Sandstone (hard) ?
Perthshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Dunkeld, Cave Crag 137 Schist SW
Glen Lednock, Balnacoul Castle 45 Schist N
Glen Lednock, Creag na h-Iolaire 48 Granite SW
Lower Glen Lednock 17 Schist SE
Polney Crag (Craig a Barns) 117 Schist SW
Weem Crags 100 Schist S
Ross & Cromarty crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ardmair Crags 128 Sandstone (hard) SW
Beinn nam Ban 24 - all
Carn Goraig 16 Gneiss SW
Carnan Ban 10 Gneiss SW
Loch Tollaidh Crags 197 Gneiss NW
Moy Rock (Dingwall) 79 Conglomerate S
Old Man of Stoer 7 Sandstone (hard) ?
Reiff - An Stiuir 182 Sandstone (hard) S
Reiff - Roinn a' Mhill 218 Sandstone (hard) W
Reiff - Rubha Coigeach 154 Sandstone (hard) N
Seana Mheallan 104 Sandstone (hard) NW
Sheigra Sea Cliffs 141 Gneiss W
Stac Pollaidh 91 Sandstone (hard) all
Sutherland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ben Loyal 23 Granite all
Creag an Dubh Loch 18 Gneiss NW
Creag an Fhithich 22 Gneiss W
Creag Garbh Mhor 30 Gneiss NW
Creag Rodha Mor 38 Gneiss W
Foinaven - Ganu Mor 122 Quartzite all
Silver Rock 13 Conglomerate S

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