Contributed by The Ivanator Apr/13 - This public ticklist has been seen 4,275 times

16 of the best Cheddar Trad offerings at E1 and Sport at F6b - F6c.

Louis at the end of the 1st pitch on Goats R Us  © harrylusted
Louis at the end of the 1st pitch on Goats R Us
© harrylusted, Feb 2019

33 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
Login as Existing User to subscribe, which will show the climbs you've already ticked.

User Percentage Latest Log
1st Marti999 93% 26 May, 2017
2nd just one more 87% 24 Oct, 2023
3rd Paz 81% 3 May, 2018
4th ericincheddar 62% 2 Oct, 2016
4th beardy mike 62% 31 May, 2023
5th Paul Baller 56% 11 Nov, 2023
6th steve_gibbs 50% 4 Feb, 2023
6th badgerjockey 50% 19 May, 2023
7th shoulders 37% 19 Jun, 2015
7th Hidden 37% 15 May, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Hanging about on Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Hanging about on Coronation Street
© Jeremy Donaldson

Julian eyeing up the final move to gain the last stance

Coronation Street (WW)
Julian eyeing up the final move to gain the last stance
© m.powell02

Ed making light work of pitch 4 with plenty of air below

Coronation Street (WW)
Ed making light work of pitch 4 with plenty of air below
© m.powell02

Ed tackling the final few metres of the steep and sustained crack

Coronation Street (WW)
Ed tackling the final few metres of the steep and sustained crack
© m.powell02

Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Coronation Street
© jonesdwill

Ed soaking up the perfect conditions on the last stance of Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Ed soaking up the perfect conditions on the last stance of Coronation Street
© m.powell02

Looking down pitch 5 Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Looking down pitch 5 Coronation Street
© Michael Porter

Adam warming up on 'Back in Black'

Back in Black
Adam warming up on 'Back in Black'
© m.powell02

Louis at the end of the 1st pitch on Goats R Us

Goats R Us
Louis at the end of the 1st pitch on Goats R Us
© harrylusted

Steph seconding the first pitch

Space Tourist
Steph seconding the first pitch
© JayLewin

Cheddar exposure. Goats R Us F6b+

Goats R Us
Cheddar exposure. Goats R Us F6b+
© alew

Look at the smile on that face, enjoying the climb

Space Tourist
Look at the smile on that face, enjoying the climb
© JayLewin

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Demonic Arete E1 5a ** 27 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Consolation E1 5b ** 55 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Sullenberger (WW) E1 5c *** 52 100m • 4 Cheddar Gorge South
Coronation Street (WW) E1 5b *** 627 ? • 6 Cheddar Gorge South
Simba E1 5b ** 111 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Dinner Date E1 5b 142 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Doomwatch E1 5b 7 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Megalomania (WW) E1 5b ** 6 55m • 2 Cheddar Gorge South
Opt Out 6b ** 266 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Goats R Us 6b+ * 150 40m • 2 Cheddar Gorge South
Stone Cold Fever (WW) 6b+ *** 265 100m • 7 Cheddar Gorge South
Space Tourist 6b+ ** 431 ? • 3 Cheddar Gorge South
Castles Made of Sand(WW) 6c *** 143 105m • 5 Cheddar Gorge South
Beverly's Wall 6b+ ** 137 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Back in Black 6b ** 266 20m Cheddar Gorge South
The Numb Ones 6b+ ** 426 ? Cheddar Gorge South
8 e, 31 stars 3,111 420m 38
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