Contributed by DMC Mar/15 - This public ticklist has been seen 6,365 times

All the climbs I want to do on Lundy. Diff-HVS.

bullethead's fancy footwork  © just wanna climb
bullethead's fancy footwork
© just wanna climb

59 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st erica 66% 24 Sep, 2022
2nd Simon Caldwell 54% 25 Aug, 2022
2nd lundyman 54% 17 Aug, 2022
3rd timreynolds 47% 14 Sep, 2023
4th jon59 45% 23 Aug, 2023
5th lithos 37% 26 Aug, 2022
6th Hidden 33% 30 Aug, 2023
7th pebbles 31% 26 Aug, 2016
7th GuyC 31% 24 Sep, 2021
8th Iain Weymouth 27% 15 Sep, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Diamond Solitaire (VS)** Lundy.

Diamond Solitaire
Diamond Solitaire (VS)** Lundy.
© rockcat

Big seas on Lundy

Diamond Solitaire
Big seas on Lundy
© Bryan Wakeley

An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy

The Devil's Slide
An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Peter Biven & Keith Darbyshire on the Devil's Spine - July 1971

Devil's Spine
Peter Biven & Keith Darbyshire on the Devil's Spine - July 1971
© John Cleare

Diamond Solitaire (VS4c), Flying Buttress Main Cliff, Lundy

Diamond Solitaire
Diamond Solitaire (VS4c), Flying Buttress Main Cliff, Lundy

Fighting for space on a loaded harness

Fighting for space on a loaded harness
© Julesthe1st

Climber on the Flying Buttress, Lundy

Diamond Solitaire
Climber on the Flying Buttress, Lundy
© Mike Doyle

Lundy Summer

Immaculate Slab
Lundy Summer
© Alex Gaastra

James setting off up Devils Slide

The Devil's Slide
James setting off up Devils Slide
© JackO3522

Cara looking down on a couple of our party getting soaked. Then came the thunder..

The Devil's Slide
Cara looking down on a couple of our party getting soaked. Then came the thunder..
© just wanna climb

Big Jonnie tackling the 2nd pitch crux on Diamond Solitaire (no easy task at 19 Stones / 83% body fat), Lundy Isle.

Diamond Solitaire
Big Jonnie tackling the 2nd pitch crux on Diamond Solitaire (no easy task at 19 Stones / 83% body fat), Lundy Isle.

Diamond Solitaire

Diamond Solitaire
© Stephen Merchant

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Devil's Slide HS 4a *** 1502 117m • 5 Lundy
Integrity HS 4b *** 206 ? Lundy
Cow Pie VS 4b * 144 ? • 2 Lundy
Shamrock VS 4c *** 499 ? Lundy
Diamond Crack VS 5a * 176 19m Lundy
Cappuccino VS 4c * 188 ? Lundy
Puffins' Parade VS 4c * 26 ? • 4 Lundy
Diamond Solitaire VS 4c ** 616 40m • 2 Lundy
Horseman's Route HS 4b * 520 ? • 2 Lundy
Jumpers HS 4a * 38 24m Lundy
Oxtail Soup VS 4c * 30 24m Lundy
The Obverse Route S 4a * 104 ? Lundy
Immaculate Slab HVS 5a *** 238 ? Lundy
Saturday Night S 4a * 92 ? Lundy
Sunday Morning VS 4c * 61 ? Lundy
Half Norwegian VS 5a * 67 ? Lundy
Freewheelin' Franklin HVS 4c * 5 ? Lundy
Streaky VS 5a ** 190 ? Lundy
Capstan's Arete VS 4b * 270 ? Lundy
Hurricane HS 4a * 292 ? Lundy
Force Eight S 4a * 373 ? Lundy
Stuka VS 4b ** 264 ? Lundy
Fifty Pumps VS 4c * 105 ? Lundy
Minesweeper HVS 5a * 70 ? Lundy
American Beauty HVS 5a *** 446 ? Lundy
Quadratus Lumborum S 4a * 137 41m • 3 Lundy
Ligamentum Flavum S 4a * 90 39m • 2 Lundy
Albion VS 4c *** 857 107m • 4 Lundy
Devil's Spine VS 4b * 91 65m • 3 Lundy
Valhalla VS 4c * 24 ? • 2 Lundy
Seal Slab D ** 259 55m Lundy
Walrus S 4a * 122 65m Lundy
Hyperspace Bypass VS 4c * 16 38m • 2 Lundy
An Audience of Seals S 4a * 8 20m Lundy
Jug of Punch VS 4b * 3 35m Lundy
German Bight VD * 4 15m Lundy
The Archers of Loaf S 4a * 4 ? Lundy
The Arch VD * 9 17m Lundy
Rainbow HVS 5a * 10 40m Lundy
Frontispiece VD * 67 38m • 2 Lundy
Margin VS 4c ** 135 28m Lundy
Valentia VS 5a * 13 13m Lundy
Mary Patricia Rozalia HVS 5a ** 27 47m • 2 Lundy
Little Arthur VS 4c * 8 ? Lundy
Shelterstone HVS 5a * 11 ? Lundy
Flake Route S 4a * 135 39m • 4 Lundy
Fat Freddy's Cat HVS 5a * 19 ? Lundy
Saladin VS 4c * 61 ? Lundy
66 stars 8,632 926m 73
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