Contributed by felixwilkins Jun/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 466 times

Martin Brierley wonderfully exposed on Hawk's Nest Crack  © Martin Brierley
Martin Brierley wonderfully exposed on Hawk's Nest Crack
© Martin Brierley, May 2009

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1st Hidden 70% 29 Oct, 2023
2nd M_Robinson 4% 9 Oct, 2022

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Tim "Sport climber" Bertenshaw enjoying (?) the fine October Crack at Curbar ;)

October Crack
Tim "Sport climber" Bertenshaw enjoying (?) the fine October Crack at Curbar ;)

Adam on Trapeze Direct

Trapeze Direct
Adam on Trapeze Direct
© PontiusPirate

John Stainforth on Bel Ami (VS), Curbar, April 1969

Bel Ami
John Stainforth on Bel Ami (VS), Curbar, April 1969
© Gordon Stainforth

Shortbus Andy on Bollard Crack

Bollard Crack
Shortbus Andy on Bollard Crack
© broccoligirl

Bel Ami VS 4b

Bel Ami
Bel Ami VS 4b
© Simon Caldwell

Steve enjoying the second pitch

Two Pitch Route
Steve enjoying the second pitch
© Deezel65

Sam on the crux of Trapeze Direct

Trapeze Direct
Sam on the crux of Trapeze Direct
© matildascott111

James Thacker on the 'Brain' Curbar.

The Brain
James Thacker on the 'Brain' Curbar.
© James Thacker

Going Pro

The Brain
Going Pro
© Cheque Pictures

Still Two beers

Two Pitch Route
Still Two beers
© ipfreely

Scrutinising the vintage hardware

Scrutinising the vintage hardware
© Matt Joynson

Lovely top crack

Two Pitch Route
Lovely top crack
© ipfreely

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Holly Groove VS 4c * 729 12m Froggatt Edge
Hawk's Nest Crack VS 4c *** 2333 12m Froggatt Edge
Bollard Crack VS 4c * 753 8m Froggatt Edge
Route One VS 5a * 61 6m Froggatt Edge
Pinnacle Face VS 5b * 35 10m Froggatt Edge
Sickle Buttress Direct VS 4c * 1640 12m Froggatt Edge
Trapeze Direct VS 4c * 3769 12m Froggatt Edge
Chequers Climb VS 4c ** 310 20m Froggatt Edge
Janker's Groove VS 4c * 671 10m Froggatt Edge
Janker's End VS 4c * 282 ? Froggatt Edge
Downes' Crack VS 5a * 152 11m Froggatt Edge
Neb Crack VS 4c * 94 8m Froggatt Edge
Left Broken VS 5a * 86 ? Froggatt Edge
Chapman's Crack VS 4c * 75 9m Froggatt Edge
Chockstone Crack VS 4c * 116 8m Froggatt Edge
English Overhang VS 4c * 142 9m Froggatt Edge
Crooked Start Direct VS 4c * 197 11m Froggatt Edge
Mastiff Wall VS 4c * 318 8m Curbar Edge
Two Pitch Route VS 5a ** 196 24m • 2 Curbar Edge
The Brain VS 4c *** 665 20m Curbar Edge
Grooved Arête VS 4c * 228 8m Curbar Edge
Wall Climb VS 5a ** 766 9m Curbar Edge
Calver Wall VS 5a * 702 8m Curbar Edge
Polar Crack VS 4c * 335 9m Curbar Edge
Owl's Arête VS 4b * 917 15m Curbar Edge
Bel Ami VS 4b *** 1641 20m Curbar Edge
Grey Face VS 5a * 982 9m Curbar Edge
Beech Buttress VS 4c * 178 11m Curbar Edge
Amethyst VS 4c * 168 ? Curbar Edge
Campion Wall VS 4c * 199 16m Curbar Edge
Dive VS 4b * 101 12m Curbar Edge
Port Wine VS 5a * 112 7m Curbar Edge
Beech Layback VS 5a * 64 6m Curbar Edge
Thin VS 5a * 127 7m Curbar Edge
Twilight Crack VS 4c * 45 6m Curbar Edge
Heather Wall VS 5a * 135 10m Curbar Edge
Gladiator Buttress VS 4c 106 10m Curbar Edge
Birthday Crack VS 5a * 120 7m Curbar Edge
Inch Crack VS 4c * 207 6m Curbar Edge
Little Innominate VS 5a * 344 6m Curbar Edge
Argosy Crack VS 4b * 174 14m Curbar Edge
October Crack VS 4c * 901 7m Curbar Edge
Pale Complexion VS 4c * 451 8m Curbar Edge
Keeper's Crack VS 4b * 208 15m Curbar Edge
52 stars 21,835 436m 45
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