Contributed by Tim Bevan Apr/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 801 times

Starred routes of moderate difficulty that ought to be ban free during the nesting season.

An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy  © Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH
An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH, Sep 2006

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st lithos 28% 26 Aug, 2022
2nd Tim Bevan 17% 30 Jun, 2021
3rd ljknowles 14% 16 May, 2022
4th samsebways 11% 8 Jun
5th SarahVanda 5% 30 Jun, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Diamond Solitaire (VS)** Lundy.

Diamond Solitaire
Diamond Solitaire (VS)** Lundy.
© rockcat

Big seas on Lundy

Diamond Solitaire
Big seas on Lundy
© Bryan Wakeley

The brilliantly positioned arete of Shark.

The brilliantly positioned arete of Shark.
© Alex the Alex

An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy

The Devil's Slide
An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Mind the grass

Mind the grass
© Samuel Wainwright

Diamond Solitaire (VS4c), Flying Buttress Main Cliff, Lundy

Diamond Solitaire
Diamond Solitaire (VS4c), Flying Buttress Main Cliff, Lundy

Fighting for space on a loaded harness

Fighting for space on a loaded harness
© Julesthe1st

Guy Harris leads Double Diamond, HVS on Lundy's Flying Buttress arch under the Milky Way.

Double Diamond
Guy Harris leads Double Diamond, HVS on Lundy's Flying Buttress arch under the Milky Way.

Entering the Final Straight

The Indy 500
Entering the Final Straight
© Andrew Morris

Climber on the Flying Buttress, Lundy

Diamond Solitaire
Climber on the Flying Buttress, Lundy
© Mike Doyle

James setting off up Devils Slide

The Devil's Slide
James setting off up Devils Slide
© JackO3522

Cara looking down on a couple of our party getting soaked. Then came the thunder..

The Devil's Slide
Cara looking down on a couple of our party getting soaked. Then came the thunder..
© just wanna climb

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bulletin E1 5b * 29 ? Lundy
Good Vibrations E1 5a * 2 52m • 2 Lundy
Shark E1 5a * 132 44m • 2 Lundy
Fear of Faust E1 5a ** 72 ? Lundy
The Indy 500 E1 5b *** 497 35m Lundy
Stop Press E2 5c ** 35 ? • 2 Lundy
Headline E1 5b *** 124 ? • 2 Lundy
White Collar Worker E2 5c * - 42m • 2 Lundy
The Column E2 5b ** 1 40m • 2 Lundy
Digitalis E1 5b - 46m • 2 Lundy
Breakaway E1 5b - 45m • 3 Lundy
Basejumper E1 5b - 38m Lundy
Surf City E2 5c ** - ? Lundy
Tempest E2 5c * 1 71m • 2 Lundy
Performance E1 5b ** 38 ? Lundy
Magic Flute HVS 5a 16 ? Lundy
Crack Climbing for Beginners E1 5b * - 44m • 2 Lundy
Ice E3 6a ** 128 ? • 2 Lundy
Albion VS 4c *** 857 107m • 4 Lundy
Devil's Downfall E1 5b * 26 21m Lundy
Double Diamond HVS 5b *** 500 35m Lundy
Shamrock VS 4c *** 499 ? Lundy
Diamond Solitaire VS 4c ** 616 40m • 2 Lundy
Centaur HVS 5b ** 173 ? Lundy
Margin VS 4c ** 135 28m Lundy
Valentia VS 5a * 13 13m Lundy
The News HVS 5b * 6 ? Lundy
The Devil's Slide HS 4a *** 1502 117m • 5 Lundy
Diamond Crack VS 5a * 176 19m Lundy
Cappuccino VS 4c * 188 ? Lundy
Puffins' Parade VS 4c * 26 ? • 4 Lundy
Half Man, Half Hob-Nob HVS 4c - ? Lundy
Vikings Tea Party HVS 5b * 22 ? Lundy
Sunday Morning VS 4c * 61 ? Lundy
Half Norwegian VS 5a * 67 ? Lundy
25 e, 51 stars 5,942 837m 58
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