Contributed by JSCB Oct/13 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,811 times

Topping out A Dream of White Horses  © Chris Manasseh
Topping out A Dream of White Horses
© Chris Manasseh, Sep 2012

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1st rogerskews 60% Apr, 2004
2nd JSCB 40% 2016

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy

The Devil's Slide
An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

great night on napes needle

The Wasdale Crack
great night on napes needle
© tjmillen

Unknown climbers tackling the crux.

South Ridge Direct
Unknown climbers tackling the crux.
© David Cooper

Popular day at North Stack

A Dream of White Horses
Popular day at North Stack
© JohnHartley


A Dream of White Horses
© jas wood

The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.

Tophet Wall
The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.
© Tom McNally

Enjoying the exposure on A Dream of White Horses

A Dream of White Horses
Enjoying the exposure on A Dream of White Horses
© alastairbegley

Living the Dream

A Dream of White Horses
Living the Dream
© BStar

Zoe too engrossed in the wildness to notice the huge god-beam that's temporarily put her in the spotlight

A Dream of White Horses
Zoe too engrossed in the wildness to notice the huge god-beam that's temporarily put her in the spotlight
© Mark Bullock

Hulda treading carefully

Fishers Folly
Hulda treading carefully
© sincybabes

Job on the final pitch of Dream

A Dream of White Horses
Job on the final pitch of Dream
© Drew M

Topping out to an October sunset on South Ridge Direct, Chir Mhor accompanied by the sounds of the Rut.

South Ridge Direct
Topping out to an October sunset on South Ridge Direct, Chir Mhor accompanied by the sounds of the Rut.

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
A Dream of White Horses HVS 4c *** 3068 ? • 4 Gogarth North Stack...
The Wasdale Crack HS 4c *** 1240 17m • 2 The Napes
Brown Slabs Crack VS 4c ** 1804 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Fishers Folly VS 4c *** 2670 ? Shepherd’s Crag
One Step in the Clouds VS 4c *** 4946 69m • 4 Craig Bwlch y Moch...
Conclusion E1 5b *** 1076 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Carpe Diem 7a+ * 16 18m Hodge Close Quarry
The Devil's Slide HS 4a *** 1502 117m • 5 Lundy
Tophet Wall HS 4b *** 1377 75m • 4 The Napes
South Ridge Direct VS 5a *** 804 395m • 13 Cir Mhor
1 e, 27 stars 18,503 691m 36
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