Alex Megos - Rotpunkt TrailerVideo

© Patagonia

Rotpunkt is a new film from Patagonia chronicling Alex Megos' success over the past few years. Alex rose to fame in 2013 with his onsight of Estado Critico in Siurana; the first 9a onsight. Since then, he has become one of the sport's top performers, regularly climbing at the highest levels in sport, bouldering and competitions. The film takes an in-depth look at the development of redpoint climbing and how it began in Bavaria with iconic climber Wolfgang Gullich.

You can catch Rotpunkt at Kendal Mountain Festival on Saturday 16th November at 19:00-20:30 in the Brewery Arts Centre Theatre.

Kendal Mountain Festival  © KMF
Kendal Mountain Festival 2019

Kendal Mountain Festival (14th-17th November) is an award-winning event that has grown in size and diversity over the last 19 years. It is also the main social event for outdoor enthusiasts in the UK. Thousands of outdoor enthusiasts plus media industry specialists, athletes, top brands & equipment manufacturers, artists, photographers, adventurers, explorers and inspirational speakers gather every year to share adventures and celebrate the very best in outdoor and adventure sports culture.

Visit the festival's website.

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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

Alex's Athlete Page 92 posts 12 videos

4 Nov, 2019

Mistake in the introductory text - it was Kurt Albert who invented redpoint climbing, in 1975 in the Frankenjura; not Wolfgang Güllich, who was 15 at the time and just starting (albeit meteorically!) in the Pfalz.

4 Nov, 2019

Can't edit any more - just watched the trailer, which seems to suggest that the film also makes the same mistake.

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