The Process



"The Process" is a series that for me has been a long time coming. I wanted to create something that would teach not only the specifics of how to train, but also the values and approach necessary to get the most out of our climbing.

As the concentration of indoor climbing walls increases, as does the number of climbers. The average level of strength of the modern day climber is so much higher than it ever has been before thanks to climbing walls, however there is a definite lack of transfer when it comes to the level they climb on rock comparatively. For a long time I have watched from the side lines as the training fads of the indoor climbing wall scene eclipse that of the aspect to simply become "better climbers". For me, climbing is all about learning, adapting and connecting with the climb - this series is an attempt to understand the process of seeing our potential. "The Process" is the means to get stronger, "The Process" is the means to get fitter, but unequivocally "The Process" is the means to get better!

Training with Robbie Phillips - Ep. 3

Endurance training is totally the in thing right now! AeroCap, Anaerobic Endurance, Pump Levels, Laps, etc... But sometimes I think that climbing endurance isn't just about the physical, but more so the technical. One aspect of the technical side of endurance that gets missed out is basic recovery. Not recovery between routes or sessions, but the ability to shake out on a climb and actually get something back! It's a sure thing that endurance training will help this physically, but there's no doubt about it that resting is an art and indeed something that can be practiced. I think I'm pretty good at shaking out and finding cheeky rests; it's what's made the difference a number of times. It was a hidden semi-rest on "Bellavista's" pumpy traverse that gave me the extra 5% to get through the crux and clip the chains! What can I say... I like to rest :)

Read the accompanying article for this fifth episode on Edelrid's website here.

Visit Robbie's website and Facebook Page

Video by Finalcrux Films

Robbie is sponsored by: Edelrid, Evolv, Ratho - EICA, Steedman Accountants and Edinburgh Carpet and Flooring Warehouse. He is an ambassador forUrban Uprising.

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