ARTICLE: Nick Bullock's Nightmayer

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 UKC Articles 16 Jun 2017
Nico Favresse on The Nightmayer, 3 kbNick Bullock writes about an unfulfilled dream: to climb Nightmayer E8 6c.

You may call it an incessant nature; some less favourable may say OCD. The more sympathetic would call it driven and the cruel would say 'on the spectrum', but there have been certain climbs with certain small shallow pockets and sharp dark edges on certain pieces of rock that have held my attention for years, so I would call it longevity!

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In reply to UKC Articles:

Even though I've heard that story of Nico several times before it's still cracks me up.

If this is a taste of things to come I'm looking forward to Tides coming out too (good name btw), Echoes is still a personal favourite. If you ask me nicely I may even review if for you; if you pay me nicely I might even say something positive about it

 Greasy Prusiks 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

That was really well written.
 jon 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:
Oof, a good plummet... and all the other right ingredients: being thoroughly upstaged by some youngster, Pat incapable of understanding common sense as usual, Julio Iglesias... how could you go wrong? Best article I've read for a while.
Post edited at 10:34
 Pkrynicki1984 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Great stuff
 Mick Ward 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Loved that! Sooo scary...

 bensilvestre 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Excellent Nick
 Mark Stevenson 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:
A great bit of writing and extremely poignant as I was hosting a visiting Dutch climber at the Cromlech that gloriously sunny and infamous day in 2008.
There was a fantastic atmosphere (and some good banter from Nick) which somehow convinced me to join in the multiple ascents of Right Wall.
Still possibly the highlight of my climbing career, my solitary E5 onsight
In reply to UKC Articles:

I think that's the best article I've ever read on ukc. Might have to put the book on my Christmas list!
 Sean Kelly 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

I know it's hard climbing, but the writing is just the absolute best. Thrilling, entertaining, frightening, comical and much more. Like Touching the Void, but on a much smaller scale. Certainly the best article on UKC in recent memory. The best ever...?
 bouldery bits 16 Jun 2017
In reply to Somerset swede basher:
Echoes is a really brilliant read. Can't recommend it highly enough. Def excited for Tides.

Loved the article!
Post edited at 19:56
 Jon Stewart 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Great read, thanks!
 Fraser 16 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:
Great writing and reading, better than any Friday Night Video! Thanks.

Edit: I should just add that I've not yet watched this week's FNV, so no slight intended to JP.
Post edited at 22:20
In reply to UKC Articles:

Is the caption to the Angus Kille picture right - 'just before he fell off'? He didn't fall off, did he? Perhaps it was an earlier attempt.

Great article, anyway.

 Steve Perry 17 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Great writing.
 TobyA 18 Jun 2017
In reply to johncoxmysteriously:

> Is the caption to the Angus Kille picture right - 'just before he fell off'? He didn't fall off, did he? Perhaps it was an earlier attempt.

Yeah, that's a good point. Has he tried it again? Or had he tried it previously?

 jon 18 Jun 2017
In reply to johncoxmysteriously:

> He didn't fall off, did he?

Well that was my impression too. Perhaps Nick can clear it up.
 Ed Booth 18 Jun 2017
In reply to jon:
Yeh it was previous attempt. The headwall which contains all of the meaty bit of the route is protected primarily by a reasonable but 4 and then nut 1. Angus fell onto the nut 4 on his first attempt. I also had a lead attempt a couple of days after his successful attempt and calum Muskett also had a lead attempt (when Angus tried his first lead attempt) but we both fell on the headwall too, but unlike Angus we need to get back to finish it off.

Post edited at 14:46
 ericincheddar 19 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Really excellent writing - many thanks!
In reply to UKC Articles:

Nick has certainly developed a Seductive style.

10/10 from me for the most improved author in recent times. It is a long way from “men in grey suits”.
 Alun 19 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:
Nice article Nick.

I was climbing with Sean that day at the Cromlech. I thought I'd taken the prize for 'whipper of the day' when I fell from the last move of Resurrection (to about half way). Then as I was warming down, later on at the boulders, I looked up and saw Nico's fall, and I realised that I'd been outdone! Thanks for the memories
Post edited at 11:24
 SuperstarDJ 19 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Great article. I will definitely be buying the next volume of your autobiography of the back of that!
 henwardian 19 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Thanks. That was the best read I've had in months from UKC.
I noticed Nightmayer was heavily chalked up last time I was down in N Wales, naturally I didn't even fondle the "holds"; saving it all for the onsight y'know
 Misha 19 Jun 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:
Nick used to do a halarious (as ever) talk about the Nico Favresse story. Good to see it written down.

Hope the finger heals! Got to keep up with the youths...
 Nick Bullock 23 Jun 2017
In reply to everyone:

Thanks for all of the positive and generous comments. Much appreciated.

All the best

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