Over the Moors

Author Martin Kocsis
Published BMC (2012)
ISBN 9780903908245.0000



After over 20 years a new definitive guide for moorland grit has arrived covering Kinder, Chew Valley, Beaklow and the Marsden area. With such a long wait was it worth it? Yes the guide is fantastic. Well presented, the photos are brilliant and inspire you to visit some of the more remote areas of the Peak.

Crags covered by this Guide
Derbyshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Back Tor (Edale) 8 Shale all
Bareholme Crag 50 Gritstone W
Black Cloughs 36 Gritstone all
Black Tor 56 Gritstone NE
Blackshaw Quarry 23 Grit (quarried) SW
Broadbottom Quarry 25 Grit (quarried) SW
Brockholes Quarry 23 Grit (quarried) W
Buxworth Railway Crag 15 Gritstone SW
Coombes Rocks 54 Gritstone NW
Cracken Edge Quarries 28 Gritstone E
Crowden Castles 25 Gritstone SW
Crowden Great Quarry 109 Grit (quarried) SW
Deer Knowl 31 Gritstone N
Grinah and Barrow Stones 5 Gritstone all
Harry's Quarry 14 Grit (quarried) S
Ironbower Rocks 51 Gritstone all
John Henry Quarry 62 Grit (quarried) S
Kinder Bank Quarry 11 Gritstone S
Kinder Downfall 355 Gritstone SW
Kinder Northern Edges 427 Gritstone N
Kinder Southern Edges 417 Gritstone S
Laddow 157 Gritstone E
Lower Shelf Stones 19 Gritstone S
Mam Tor 19 Limestone all
Millstone Buttress to Highstone Rocks 22 Gritstone S
New Mills Torrs 150 Gritstone S
Oldpits Quarry 29 Grit (quarried) SE
Rake's Rocks 20 Gritstone E
Ridge Upper Moor Tor 3 Gritstone SW
Rollick Stones 62 Gritstone NW
Rummager's Delight 6 Gritstone N
Shelf Benches 55 Grit (quarried) NW
Shining Clough 119 Gritstone N
The Big Stone 9 Gritstone E
Tintwistle Knarr 99 Grit (quarried) S
Torside Clough 70 Gritstone NE
Wormstones 33 Gritstone E
Yellowslacks 52 Gritstone SE
Greater Manchester crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Alderman Rocks 63 Gritstone SE
Chatterton Lane Quarry 2 Grit (quarried) ?
Den Lane Quarry 122 Grit (quarried) SE
Dovestones Edge 118 Gritstone NW
Dovestones Quarry 139 Grit (quarried) NW
Dovestones Skyline 120 Gritstone W
Hobson Moor Quarry 122 Grit (quarried) SW
Middle Edge Rocks 7 Gritstone NW
Pack Horse Quarry 19 Grit (quarried) NW
Pots and Pans Quarries 82 Grit (quarried) NW
Rob's Rocks 75 Gritstone SW
Rough Knarr 33 Grit (quarried) E
Running Hill Pits 216 Grit (quarried) all
Slades Rocks 6 Gritstone W
Standedge Quarry 115 Grit (quarried) SW
Standing Stones 129 Gritstone S
The Ravenstones 177 Gritstone N
Upperwood Quarry 67 Grit (quarried) SE
Wilderness Rocks 52 Gritstone N
Wimberry Rocks 264 Gritstone N
West Yorkshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Chew quarry 1 Grit (quarried) all
Nab End 26 Grit (quarried) W
Pule Hill Rocks 155 Gritstone NW
Shooter's Nab 114 Grit (quarried) N
West Nab 228 Gritstone S
Worlow Quarry 33 Grit (quarried) SW

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