Logbook for powelli

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648 entries in this logbook showing 26-50
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Alison Rib D *** AltLd rpt Jo O 16 Jul, 2023 Bosigran
Cake Walk 6a+ ** Lead β DannyN99, Chris H 4 Jul, 2023 Blacknor North
Choc Speedway 6b+ * TR O/S Chris H 3 Jul, 2023 Blacknor Central
I Don't Have a Spoiler so I Just Leave My Boot Open 6b * TR dog DannyN99, Chris H 3 Jul, 2023 Blacknor Central
Slings Shot 5a *** Lead rpt DannyN99, Chris H 3 Jul, 2023 Blacknor North
Reptile Smile 6a+ *** Lead dog DannyN99, Chris H 3 Jul, 2023 Blacknor North
Horsis HVS 5b ** 2nd O/S mes32 18 Jun, 2023 Fall Bay to Mewslade
Gethsemane S 4a ** Lead rpt mes32 18 Jun, 2023 Fall Bay to Mewslade
Quartz Corner HS 4b * 2nd rpt mes32 17 Jun, 2023 Three Cliffs Bay
The Reach none 5a * TR mes32 11 Jun, 2023 Ham Hill Quarry
The Arete none 5a * TR mes32 11 Jun, 2023 Ham Hill Quarry
Early Riser none 5b * TR mes32 11 Jun, 2023 Ham Hill Quarry
Relic HS 4b Lead O/S mes32, DannyN99 28 May, 2023 Seacombe
Jude the Obscure VS 5a 2nd O/S mes32, DannyN99 28 May, 2023 Seacombe
Yankee Doddle VS 5a 2nd O/S mes32, DannyN99 28 May, 2023 Seacombe
Far from the Madding Crowd VD *** Lead O/S mes32, DannyN99 28 May, 2023 Seacombe
Candlestick HS 4b ** Lead O/S mes32 1 May, 2023 Holyhead Mountain
Romulus VS 5a * 2nd O/S mes32 1 May, 2023 Holyhead Mountain
Remus HS 4b * Lead O/S mes32 1 May, 2023 Holyhead Mountain
Crackstone Rib S 4a *** AltLd O/S NeilHowarth 29 Apr, 2023 Carreg Wastad
Shadow Wall VS 4c *** 2nd O/S NeilHowarth 29 Apr, 2023 Carreg Wastad
The Wrinkle VD ** AltLd O/S NeilHowarth 29 Apr, 2023 Carreg Wastad
Love on the Rocks ;) 5a * Lead mes32 4 Mar, 2023 Battleship Back Cliff
Absent Friends, Here's to Them 5c Lead mes32 4 Mar, 2023 Battleship Back Cliff
Limestone Cowboy 4c * Lead mes32 4 Mar, 2023 Battleship Back Cliff
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