Contributed by james.slater Nov/11 - This public ticklist has been seen 9,074 times

This venue is often dismissed as dirty loose wet and unpleasant, but it has some great climbing hidden amongst the mud and tree roots. This collection of routes are a few of my favourites!

James approaching the top of the first pitch on Snoozin Suzie  © wilsers
James approaching the top of the first pitch on Snoozin Suzie
© wilsers, Jul 2013

108 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 3 have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st james.slater 100% 19 Jul, 2016
1st luke glaister 100% 3 May, 2022
1st ClimbingNut 100% 7 Jul, 2023
2nd monsteratt 90% 29 Aug, 2020
2nd nickwhimster 90% 29 Aug, 2020
2nd Col Kingshott 90% 16 Jul, 2022
3rd Paul Robertson 81% 11 Oct, 2020
3rd Snot 81% 11 Sep, 2015
3rd Climbthatpitch 81% 4 Aug, 2022
4th gripped01 72% 18 Apr, 2015

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


© Mark Davis

Autumnal finish to Top of pitch 1 for Snoozin' Suzie. River Wye and Symonds Yat in background.

Snoozin' Suzie
Autumnal finish to Top of pitch 1 for Snoozin' Suzie. River Wye and Symonds Yat in background.
© Backtothepixel

The fun steep bit

The Trip
The fun steep bit
© ClimbingNut

Having a rest near the top

The Trip
Having a rest near the top
© ClimbingNut

The fun steep bit

The Trip
The fun steep bit
© ClimbingNut

exchange vs 4b

exchange vs 4b
© jack1996

Nearing the top of the first pitch on Whitt

Nearing the top of the first pitch on Whitt
© alastairbegley

Clare admiring the local flora whilst dreaming of Costa Blanca

Clare admiring the local flora whilst dreaming of Costa Blanca
© Mark Davis

Top of 2nd pitch, Snoozin' Suzie, Symonds Yat near Monmouth

Snoozin' Suzie
Top of 2nd pitch, Snoozin' Suzie, Symonds Yat near Monmouth
© mick1jones

Golden Fleece Symonds Yat

Golden Fleece
Golden Fleece Symonds Yat
© Suz123

Atop the longstone in symonds yat

Atop the longstone in symonds yat
© Fergus Moore

Pete cruising in the trees - Snoozin Suzie, Symonds Yat

Snoozin' Suzie
Pete cruising in the trees - Snoozin Suzie, Symonds Yat
© lithos

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Snoozin' Suzie VD ** 2197 40m Symonds Yat
Golden Fleece HS 4b ** 2075 24m Symonds Yat
Exchange VS 4b * 1204 24m Symonds Yat
The Druid VS 4c ** 874 25m Symonds Yat
Whitt VS 4c *** 1076 37m • 2 Symonds Yat
Derek, the Flightless Hedgehog HVS 5a 104 ? Symonds Yat
Hole in the Wall HVS 5a * 346 ? Symonds Yat
Red Rose Speedway HVS 5a *** 820 32m Symonds Yat
The Trip E1 5b ** 142 ? Symonds Yat
Mango Highway E2 5b 64 ? Symonds Yat
Sweden E3 5c ** 47 ? Symonds Yat
6 e, 18 stars 8,949 182m 12
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