Contributed by Choss Sep/13 - This public ticklist has been seen 4,211 times

A motley collection of South West sea stacks, islands, and pinnacles (list not yet complete)

One sub extreme route chosen to each summit. Although to be fair, grade looks irrelevant on many of the routes.

From the sublime to the ridiculous.

To complete the list with honours, collect the 3 bonus ticks:
+1 new route on a stack or virgin summit
+1 camp on a summit for a night
+1 topping off The Needles with Skeleton Ridge

What a place!  © Ben Hirst
What a place!
© Ben Hirst, Aug 2020

52 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
Login as Existing User to subscribe, which will show the climbs you've already ticked.

User Percentage Latest Log
1st BALD EAGLE 22% 25 May
2nd Lizard Ollie 16% 26 Oct, 2023
3rd Samuel Wainwright 8% 16 Aug, 2018
4th Joel Perkin 6% 19 Jul, 2021
4th Cragology 6% 30 Sep, 2023
5th Hidden 4% 16 Sep, 2014
5th KDhruev 4% 15 Jul, 2015
5th Felix Ottey 4% 29 May, 2022
5th babymoac 4% 12 Apr, 1998
5th FinnBar 4% 28 Mar, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Climbers on Blackchurch Rock

Notre Dame
Climbers on Blackchurch Rock
© EddieBauer

Looking for gear placements on Notre Dame (VS), Blackchurch Rocks

Notre Dame
Looking for gear placements on Notre Dame (VS), Blackchurch Rocks
© TP

Pete Finklaire? - Twilight ascent of 'Needle Direct', Screda Point, VS 4b

Needle Direct
Pete Finklaire? - Twilight ascent of 'Needle Direct', Screda Point, VS 4b
© purple sue

Jim (airtime!) onto the batham hand, and no he's not 'safe'!

Bantham Hand
Jim (airtime!) onto the batham hand, and no he's not 'safe'!
© Kate Edhouse

Very flakey climbing...

Barely Possible
Very flakey climbing...
© Sean Kelly

I'm sure that flake moved...!

Barely Possible
I'm sure that flake moved...!
© Sean Kelly

Russell high on Föhn

Russell high on Föhn
© Felix Ottey

Descending the quick way!

South face of the Horn
Descending the quick way!
© Joel Perkin

Simal ab descent from The Bantham Hand

Bantham Hand
Simal ab descent from The Bantham Hand
© Michael Porter

Grandad keeps on climbing.

The Plumed Serpent
Grandad keeps on climbing.
© alan moore

Perfect conditions for a deep water solo of the Horn of Plenty

South face of the Horn
Perfect conditions for a deep water solo of the Horn of Plenty
© simonhammond1966

Culm magic.

Needle Direct
Culm magic.
© mattnuttall

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Mad Cow Maggie S - 25m Pedn Kei Area
Bosistow Island North Face A2 - ? Carn Lês Boel Area
Helluva Slab S 4a ** 292 43m • 3 Porthgwarra...
Buzz VS 4c - 15m Lighthouse Cliffs
Amnesty E3 5c *** 93 25m Pen Olver
Creepy Crawly VD 4 35m • 2 Peninnis Head
Silly Arête VD - ? Lulworth
Bacon Crack 4b S0 - 10m Cradle Rock Buttress
South Face S - 25m The Needles
Lighthouse Arête D - 65m The Needles
Big Picket XS 6a ** 5 38m • 2 Ladram Bay Stacks
Lost World VS - 18m • 2 Ladram Bay Stacks
The Razor HS - 25m • 3 Ladram Bay Stacks
Tower of Babel S - 15m Ladram Bay Stacks
Ladram Lady VD 4 18m Ladram Bay Stacks
Chocolate Finger E1 5b * 1 23m • 2 Ladram Bay Stacks
Kamin Number 5 VD 5 15m Sandy Bay
The Clerk (post-collapse) S 1 10m Holcombe Area
The Steeple S - 27m Steeple Cove
Bantham Hand VS 4b ** 60 10m Bantham Hand
Gannet's Rock Crack HS 4b 4 30m • 2 Lundy
The Devil's Chimney HVS 5b ** 77 ? • 3 Lundy
Integrity HS 4b *** 206 ? Lundy
Flash Dance VS 5a * 8 ? Lundy
Black Beard VS 4c 1 ? Lundy
Regatta D 31 10m Lantic Bay
Long Rock Climb VD 2 15m Downderry Beach
Notre Dame VS 4b * 149 ? Blackchurch
Was Chapman a Fat Boy? HS 1 ? Chapman Rock
The Plumed Serpent HS 4a ** 71 ? Dyers Lookout
Barely Possible VS 4b 2 ? Hartland Quay
Consolation D 5 ? Hartland Quay
Fohn HS 4a * 149 ? Screda Point
Needle Direct VS 4b ** 115 ? Screda Point
Tha' Wer' Easy HS 3 12m Gull Rock - Marsland
Turmoil VD 1 ? Sandymouth
South West Arête VS 4b 19 43m Sandymouth
South face of the Horn HS 4b 14 ? Maer Cliff (aka...
Little and Large HVS 5b ** 1 ? Long Island
Totem Pole HVS 5a 1 ? Gunver Head
How the West was Won S * 1 ? Carn Gowla
Team Teva S - ? Old Harry Rocks
Northern Bay S - 23m Old Harry Rocks
Old Harrys Wife VD - ? Old Harry Rocks
Press Gang Pinnacle HVS 4c 2 ? Old Harry Rocks
Erotica HS 2 25m Steeple Cove
Matt's Dilemma 3a 15 ? Lighthouse Area
Grope and Hope VD 6 20m Cod Rock
4 e, 25 stars 1,351 620m 59
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