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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 10 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Chudleigh Rocks - South Face, Saddle Tor, Godrevy, Lustleigh Cleave, Holwell Tor, Honeybag Tor, Burrator Boulders, East Side Boulders, Pew Tor, Emsworthy Rocks

Photo Gallery

Dave looking exposed at Babbacombe

Dave looking exposed at Babbacombe
© RyBlackmore

Head thrown back in joy, latching the finish jug on The End is Nigh.

Head thrown back in joy, latching the finish jug on The End is Nigh.
© RyBlackmore

Roy on Crazy Leg at Jungle Bar Sector

Roy on Crazy Leg at Jungle Bar Sector
© RyBlackmore

Pabs hitting the swing atop Esoterrorist.

Pabs hitting the swing atop Esoterrorist.
© RyBlackmore

Orange Heart in Rocklands, South Africa

Orange Heart in Rocklands, South Africa
© RyBlackmore

Golden hour at saddle tor.

Golden hour at saddle tor.
© RyBlackmore

Donna on Sublime at Powerlines

Donna on Sublime at Powerlines
© RyBlackmore

The best angle I found of Frankenstein at the cuttings.

The best angle I found of Frankenstein at the cuttings.
© RyBlackmore

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