John Hunt

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 91 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Shipley Glen, Air Scar Crag, Windgate Nick, Upper Huller Stones (Skell Gill), Crimple Beck Crag, Embsay Crag, White Wells Pinnacle, Ilkley Moor, Brunthwaite, Roundhill, Crocodile Crag ... plus 81 more

Photo Gallery

Above the clouds just after Striding Edge, Helvellyn.

Above the clouds just after Striding Edge, Helvellyn.
© John Hunt

The Wolf (or hound) of Windgate Nick.

The Wolf (or hound) of Windgate Nick.
© John Hunt

John Hunt near the belay after the monster roof on Kenourgia Zoi.

John Hunt near the belay after the monster roof on Kenourgia Zoi.
© John Hunt

Ben Clarke on Lupa (6B).  The day of the first recorded ascents on this bloc.

Ben Clarke on Lupa (6B). The day of the first recorded ascents on this bloc.
© John Hunt

Rachel Hunt showing some of the fun to be had on the EM CM boulder, Little Almscliff.

Rachel Hunt showing some of the fun to be had on the EM CM boulder, Little Almscliff.
© John Hunt

John Hunt on the first ascent of Harlot F7a+.

John Hunt on the first ascent of Harlot F7a+.
© John Hunt

Ian Durham enjoying creaky ice on the upper pitch of the Water Slides, Ratten Clough, Lancashire.

Ian Durham enjoying creaky ice on the upper pitch of the Water Slides, Ratten Clough, Lancashire.
© John Hunt

Senator, smoke and sun.

Senator, smoke and sun.
© John Hunt

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