Devon Bouldering

Author Dave Henderson, Ben Stokes
Published Rockfax (2024)
ISBN 978-1-873341-04-9



Extensive coverage of bouldering of the moors, tors and woods of Devon. Produced in familiar Rockfax style with detailed photo topos, maps and overviews and lots of action photos. Also available on Rockfax Digital with extra areas.

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Crags covered by this Guide
Cornwall crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Helman Tor 156 Granite S
Maer Cliff (aka Northcott Mouth) 219 Culm ?
Tintagel North 80 Welded Tuff NW
Devon crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Anstey's Cove 237 Limestone S
Ausewell Rocks 21 Quartzite S
Becka Brook Boulders 19 Granite NW
Bell Tor 74 Granite all
Bench Tor 48 Granite all
Black Hill Boulders 57 Granite all
Bonehill Rocks 277 Granite SW
Bovey Woods 696 Granite ?
Burrator Boulders 109 Granite W
Cartoonlands 61 Granite W
Chudleigh Rocks - South Face 223 Limestone S
Combestone Tor 43 Granite all
Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor 142 Granite all
Daddyhole Main Cliff 54 Limestone E
Down Tor 160 Granite all
Easdon Rocks 27 Granite ?
East Side Boulders 24 Granite NW
Forder Hillside 6 Granite ?
Fur Tor 18 Granite all
Gidleigh Woods 28 Granite S
Hartland Quay 130 Culm W
Hayne Down 90 Granite all
Haytor Quarry 11 Granite E
Holwell Tor 64 Granite all
Honeybag Tor 100 Granite all
Hope's Nose 83 Limestone W
Hound Tor 325 Granite all
Lannacombe Beach 14 - W
Leigh Tor 43 Quartzite all
Lustleigh (Sacrificial Virgin Boulder) 12 Granite ?
Lustleigh Cleave 203 Granite ?
Lynmouth 157 - N
Mel Tor 25 Granite all
Middle Tor 6 Granite all
Saddle Tor 69 Granite all
Sheeps Tor 43 Granite all
Shoalstone Beach 71 Limestone N
Smallacombe Rocks 233 Granite all
Sourton Tors 75 Dolerite all
Top Tor 14 Granite all
Torcross Boulders 40 Slate all
Tunhill Rocks 84 Granite all
Somerset crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Hurlstone Point 122 Sandstone (hard) N

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