Logbook for Sanctora

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381 entries in this logbook showing 226-250
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Robin Hood's Balcony Cave Direct HVD * Lead   29 Apr, 2023 Stanage Popular
Ellis's Eliminate VS 4c *** 2nd   29 Apr, 2023 Stanage Popular
Robin Hood's Right-hand Buttress Direct HS 4a *** Lead   29 Apr, 2023 Stanage Popular
The Scoop HVS 5b *** 2nd   29 Apr, 2023 Stanage Popular
Martello Buttress VS 4c *** Lead   29 Apr, 2023 Stanage Popular
Heaven Crack VD *** Solo   29 Apr, 2023 Stanage Popular
Flying Buttress Direct E1 5b *** Lead   14 Jul, 2022 Stanage Popular
Hades VS 4c *** -   30 Jan, 2022 Baildon Bank
Epitaph Direct VS 4b *** -   30 Jan, 2022 Baildon Bank
Epitaph HS 4a *** -   30 Jan, 2022 Baildon Bank
The Crucifix f5 ** Sent   1 May, 2021 Almscliff
Three Chockstones Chimney M * Sent   1 May, 2021 Almscliff
Sucker's Rib f4+ * Sent   1 May, 2021 Caley Crags
Sucker's Wall f4 Sent   1 May, 2021 Caley Crags
Cold Turkey f5 * Sent   1 May, 2021 Caley Crags
Goosebumps f6B Sent   1 May, 2021 Caley Crags
Crossover S 4a Lead Sam Fryer 24 Apr, 2021 Rolling Gate
The Pillar S 4a * Lead Sam Fryer 24 Apr, 2021 Rolling Gate
Veteran's Flake VD * Lead Sam Fryer 24 Apr, 2021 Rolling Gate
Long Crack D * Lead Sam Fryer 24 Apr, 2021 Rolling Gate
Rolling Gate Buttress S 4a *** Lead Sam Fryer 24 Apr, 2021 Rolling Gate
Dog Leg Crack VD * Lead Sam Fryer 10 Sep, 2020 Brantrake Crags
Face Route VS 4c ** Lead Sam Fryer 10 Sep, 2020 Brantrake Crags
Central Crack VS 5a ** Lead Sam Fryer 10 Sep, 2020 Brantrake Crags
Shorty's Dilemma S 4a 2nd Mash 4 Sep, 2020 Brimham Rocks
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