Logbook for cornishben

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1,071 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Awkward Oak f6B Sent x   30 Jun Luckey Tor (aka Eagle Rock)
Deep Learning f7A ** Sent x   27 Jun Anstey's Cove
Deep Learning Right-hand f6C * Sent x   12 Jun Anstey's Cove
Cracked Boulder Slab f6A *** Sent O/S Wise, DorsetGareth 12 May Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Lower Slab Right f4 ** Sent O/S Wise, DorsetGareth 12 May Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Lower Slab f5 *** Sent x Wise, DorsetGareth 12 May Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Lower Slab Left f4+ ** Sent O/S Wise, DorsetGareth 12 May Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Sloping Arête Eliminate f6B ** Sent x Wise, DorsetGareth 12 May Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Overhanging Wall f6A ** Sent x Wise, DorsetGareth 11 May Down Tor
Whaleback Right Side f5 ** Sent O/S Wise, DorsetGareth 11 May Down Tor
Mikey's Dyno f6C * Sent x Wise, DorsetGareth 11 May Down Tor
Toll Booth Arête f5+ * Sent O/S   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
Tommy Cliffhanger f5+ * Sent O/S   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
The Arête, Sit-start f6A+ ** Sent O/S   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
The Lip Traverse f6A ** Sent O/S   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
Streamline, Sit-start f6B ** Sent O/S   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
Toll Booth Arête, Sit-start f6C+ ** Sent x   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
Breaking Rocks f5 * Sent O/S   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
Lost Decade f7A ** Sent rpt   30 Mar The Cuttings Boulderfield
BAW's Crawl HVS 5a *** 2nd O/S DorsetGareth 16 Mar Stanage Popular
Butcher Crack HVS 5b ** Lead O/S DorsetGareth 16 Mar Stanage Popular
The Nose VS 4c * 2nd O/S DorsetGareth 16 Mar Stanage Popular
Dover's Wall, Route 2 HVS 5a ** Lead O/S DorsetGareth 16 Mar Stanage Popular
Martello Buttress VS 4c *** Lead rpt DorsetGareth 16 Mar Stanage Popular
Mississippi Buttress Direct VS 4c *** 2nd rpt DorsetGareth 16 Mar Stanage Popular
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