West Cornwall & Supplement

West Cornwall & Supplement
Author ?
Published Climbers' Club (2000)
ISBN 0-901601-69-1

This Guidebook is now out of print, and unavailable


Replaces the older "Bosigran" and "Chair Ladder" guides to West Penwith. Also includes The Lizard.

Crags covered by this Guide
Cornwall crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Aire Point 40 Granite W
Basher's Harbour 53 Granite SW
Bass Point 86 Mica schist W
Black Carn 47 Granite SE
Black Head Area 44 Greenstone SE
Boscawen Point 41 Granite S
Bosigran 171 Granite W
Bosigran Ridge Area 29 Granite W
Boswednack Cliff 28 Killas slate W
Botallack Head Zawn 22 Killas slate NW
Carn Barra 154 Granite SW
Carn Boel 59 Granite W
Carn Clough 13 Granite W
Carn Gloose 28 Granite W
Carn Lês Boel Area 54 Granite S
Carn Vellan 39 Killas slate SW
Coastguard Cliffs 50 Mica schist SE
Cribba Head 38 Granite SW
Crowns Mine Cliff 15 Killas slate SW
Evening Slabs 10 Killas slate NW
Folly Cove Area 27 Granite SW
Great Zawn 50 Granite W
Gurnard's Head 39 Greenstone W
Halldrine Cove 20 Granite W
Housel Bay Area 25 Amphibiolite & S all
John Wayne Memorial Crag 51 Granite SW
Kenidjack Cliffs 47 Killas slate SE
Lands End 183 Granite W
Logan Rock 52 Granite all
Pedn Kei Area 36 Killas slate NW
Pedn-mên-an-mere 67 Granite SW
Pednvounder Beach Area 43 Granite S
Pellitras Point 44 Granite SW
Pen Olver 80 Amphibiolite & S SW
Penberth 66 Granite S
Pendeen Cliffs 45 Killas slate W
Pendower Coves 27 Granite SW
Pordenack Point Area 83 Granite SW
Porth Loe Buttress 19 Granite S
Porth Loe Cove 24 Granite SW
Porth Nanven 31 Granite W
Porthguarnon Cove 65 Granite SW
Porthmoina Island 2 Granite all
Predannack Head Area 202 Mica schist SW
Robin's Rocks 19 Greenstone NW
Rosemergy Cove 11 Granite NE
Rosemergy Ridge Area 60 Granite NW
Rosemergy Towers 20 Granite W
Sennen 181 Granite W
St. Loy Cliff 75 Granite S
Tater-du 114 Greenstone S
Tregiffian 41 Granite S
Trevowhan Cliff 20 Granite NW
Trewavas 147 Granite S
Trewellard 54 Killas slate NW
Vellan Head Area 54 Amphibiolite & S SW
Vessacks 33 Granite SW
Wenver Cove 8 Greenstone N
Whirl Pool Buttress 11 Granite N
Wicca Pillar 15 Granite W
Zawn Duel and Carn Gloose Area 27 Killas slate NW
Zawn Kellys Area 28 Granite W
Zennor Cliff 40 Killas slate W
Scillies crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Peninnis Head 54 Granite SE
St Martins Scillies 4 Granite ?

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