Logbook for Southall4000

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608 entries in this logbook showing 26-50
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Right Wall f6B+ Sent x Daniel Grainge 30 Mar Caley Crags
The Groove f7A * Sent x Daniel Grainge 30 Mar Caley Crags
Beached Whale Crack f5 * Sent O/S smudge 6 Jan Burbage North
Bridge ArĂȘte f6A ** Sent smudge 6 Jan Burbage North
Cleo's Edge f5+ *** Sent O/S smudge 6 Jan Burbage North
Sitdown ArĂȘte f5 * Sent O/S smudge 6 Jan Burbage North
Roscoe's Wall HVS 5b ** 2nd smudge 14 Oct, 2023 Roaches Upper Tier
Tower Face HS 4b *** Lead O/S smudge 26 Sep, 2023 Wharncliffe Crags
Himmelswillen VS 4c *** 2nd O/S smudge 26 Sep, 2023 Wharncliffe Crags
Puttrell's Progress S 4a ** Solo O/S smudge 26 Sep, 2023 Wharncliffe Crags
The Run Off 5b * Lead O/S smudge 2 Sep, 2023 Harpur Hill Quarry
Fast and Furry-ous 6a * Lead O/S smudge 2 Sep, 2023 Harpur Hill Quarry
Beep, Beep 6a+ * Lead O/S smudge 2 Sep, 2023 Harpur Hill Quarry
Great Western HVS 5a *** 2nd smudge 5 Jul, 2023 Almscliff
Black Wall VS 5a * 2nd smudge 5 Jul, 2023 Almscliff
Demon Wall HVS 5a *** 2nd smudge 5 Jul, 2023 Almscliff
The Five Star Finish HVS 5a *** 2nd smudge 5 Jul, 2023 Almscliff
Square Chimney & Whisky Crack HS 4b ** 2nd smudge 5 Jul, 2023 Almscliff
Central Climb VS 4c *** Lead O/S smudge 5 Jul, 2023 Almscliff
Paraplege E3 5c ** 2nd O/S smudge 24 Jun, 2023 Staden Quarry
Charas E1 5b ** 2nd O/S smudge 24 Jun, 2023 Staden Quarry
Saplink f5+ Sent   5 Apr, 2023 Shipley Glen
Fat Arete f5+ Sent   5 Apr, 2023 Shipley Glen
Paddy f4 * Sent   5 Apr, 2023 Shipley Glen
Rupert Bear f4 * Sent   5 Apr, 2023 Shipley Glen
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