Logbook for Bulls Crack

Best Climbing Experience

doing Cenotaph Corner for the first time on a grey, cold Monday morning but many others:

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633 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Pillar Rib VS 4c ** Lead rpt Steve F 26 Jul Eastby Crag
Economical Route One 6b ** Lead rpt Ian C 21 Jul Moughton Nab
Senility HVS 5b * Lead rpt Steve F 19 Jul Heptonstall Quarry
Trepidation VS 4c * Lead O/S Steve F 19 Jul Heptonstall Quarry
Bridge's Variation VS 5a * Lead O/S   17 Jul Stanage Plantation
Crew's Route VS 4c *** Lead O/S   26 Jun Hobson Moor Quarry
Gideon HVS 5a ** Lead O/S   26 Jun Hobson Moor Quarry
Parker's Eliminate HVS 5a *** Lead O/S   26 Jun Hobson Moor Quarry
Pedestal Crack HVS 5a ** Lead O/S Jez 22 Jun Froggatt Edge
Chequers Buttress HVS 5a *** Lead rpt Jez 22 Jun Froggatt Edge
Pillar of salt 6a+ * Lead rpt   8 Jun Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
Headless Hammer 6b+ * Lead O/S   8 Jun Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
King Flush 6a+ * Lead O/S   8 Jun Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
Long Climb Direct S ** 2nd RW 2 Jun Clogwyn Cyrau
Grooved Arête HVD 4a *** - RW 2 Jun Tryfan
Jingling Wall HS 4b ** Lead RW 1 Jun Clogwyn Cyrau
Lancashire Wall HVS 5a * Lead O/S Jez 21 May Stanage Popular
Earl Buttress E2 5c *** 2nd rpt   18 May Earl Crag
Earl Crack VS 4c *** 2nd rpt   18 May Earl Crag
Tiger Traverse 1 VS 4c * Lead O/S   18 May Earl Crag
Tiger Wall VS 4c *** Lead rpt   18 May Earl Crag
The Straight and Narrow 6a * Lead rpt   12 May Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
Mr Shifter (sport) 6a+ * Lead rpt   12 May Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
Short But Pumpy 6b+ * Lead O/S   12 May Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
High Flyer 6a+ * Lead O/S Ian C 10 May Stony Bank (Stoney Bank)
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