Contributed by matt perks Feb/12 - This public ticklist has been seen 5,350 times

This is a list of all the routes in Extreme Rock with "Wall" in the route name. The idea is that ticking the whole book is a massive job whereas this is a more manageable number yet still, maybe, quite representative. Great Wall at Craig-y-Forwyn is banned unfortunately. For balance I've cheated and sneaked in Side Wal[l]k (nothing else in Lakes), Spacewal[l]k so Scotland gets two, and Warlord - Wall Lord! because Raven Wall leaves the south under-represented.

First ascent of Spacewalk, Aonach Dubh, Glencoe. E5 6b. Ken Johnstone and Pete Ogden.  © Dave Stirling
First ascent of Spacewalk, Aonach Dubh, Glencoe. E5 6b. Ken Johnstone and Pete Ogden.
© Dave Stirling, Apr 1978

22 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 93% 7 Jul, 2002
2nd Hidden 73% Aug, 1981
2nd Mike Owen 73% 13 May, 1998
3rd markalmack 66% 15 Jul, 2020
4th Alex Mason 60% 5 Jul, 2019
4th Rich Kirby 60% Jun, 2006
5th JulesV 53% 29 Sep, 2013
5th Steve Crowe 53% 2011
6th Hidden 46% 18 May
6th Climber_Bill 46% 28 May, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Banana Skin Sabotage

Left Wall
Banana Skin Sabotage
© Dan Arkle

Joe on the crux of Left Wall.

Left Wall
Joe on the crux of Left Wall.
© zcsharp

Left Wall

Left Wall
© Mark Alderson

Emma Twyford - Right Wall

Right Wall
Emma Twyford - Right Wall
© Marc Langley

Great wall top pitch

Great Wall
Great wall top pitch
© jethro kiernan

Hitting the last move on Right Wall

Right Wall
Hitting the last move on Right Wall
© jethro kiernan

London Wall

London Wall
© Will Rupp

Top pitch of Great Wall as the sun sets on summer

Great Wall
Top pitch of Great Wall as the sun sets on summer
© jethro kiernan

High on Left Wall

Left Wall
High on Left Wall
© jonesdwill

Emma Twyford - Right Wall

Right Wall
Emma Twyford - Right Wall
© Marc Langley

Left Wall

Left Wall
Left Wall
© Marc Langley

American Josh on London Wall

London Wall
American Josh on London Wall
© Niall Grimes

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Titan's Wall E3 5c *** 107 ? Ben Nevis
Spacewalk E5 6b *** 40 50m • 2 Aonach Dubh
Side Walk E2 5b ** 179 ? Dow Crag
Suicide Wall Route 1 E2 5c *** 309 ? Idwal Slabs (aka...
Great Wall E4 6a *** 459 60m • 2 Clogwyn Du'r...
Master's Wall E7 6b * 2 ? Clogwyn Du'r...
Left Wall E2 5c *** 1836 38m Dinas Cromlech
Right Wall E5 6a *** 526 ? Dinas Cromlech
The Wall of Horrors E3 6a *** 351 18m Almscliff
Central Wall E4 6a *** 158 ? Kilnsey
London Wall E5 6a *** 260 22m Millstone Edge
White Wall E5 6b *** 186 22m Millstone Edge
Adjudicator Wall E3 5c *** 274 40m Dovedale
Warlord E4 6a *** 77 45m • 2 Guillemot Ledge
Raven Wall E3 5c *** 187 36m Bosigran
57 e, 42 stars 4,951 331m 18
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