North Wales Climbs

Author Mark Reeves, Mark Glaister
Published Rockfax (2023)
ISBN 978-1-873341-93-3



North Wales Climbs spans the major mountain crags from Llanberis Pass, to Cloggy; and from Ogwen to the Carneddau. It also includes the Llanberis Slate quarries, Tremadog, the Moelwyns, the Gwynant Valley, Mid-Wales, Gogarth and the Ormes of Llandudno. As is normally the case with the selected Rockfax guidebooks, the choice of what to include is based as much on the crag it is on as the route itself. If we include a crag then we tend to include a good selection of routes on that crag.

The 2023 edition builds on the successful 2013 edition with many extra routes and mostly new aerial crag photography throughout. All the maps have been improved and there is a completely new set of stunning action photographs.

Other editions of this guidebook
North Wales Climbs Rockfax (2013)

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Crags covered by this Guide
Anglesey crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Gogarth North Stack and Main Cliff 387 Quartzite W
Gogarth South Stack 215 Quartzite SW
Holyhead Mountain 145 Quartzite all
Porth Dafarch 49 Quartzite SW
Porth-y-Garan App Exclusive 33 - SW
Rhoscolyn 218 Quartzite S
The Range 230 Quartzite all
Conwy crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Castell y Gwynt 25 Limestone N
Castle Inn Quarry 71 Limestone S
Craig Dinas (Betws Y Coed) 45 Rhyolite S
Lighthouse Crags App Exclusive 220 Limestone N
Lower Pen Trwyn 75 Limestone E
Marian Bach App Exclusive 21 Limestone S
Pen Trwyn 377 Limestone NE
Penmaen Head 118 Limestone W
Penmaen-bach App Exclusive 4 Granodiorite W
Penmaenbach Quarry 90 Diorites N
Tramstation Crag 74 Limestone S
Gwynedd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Australia 298 Slate ?
Barmouth Quarry 34 Slate S
Barmouth Slabs 41 Gritstone SE
Bodychain App Exclusive 57 - ?
Bus Stop Quarry 133 Slate ?
Cadair Idris - Penygadair 159 - all
California 39 Slate S
Carnedd Moel Siabod 20 Rhyolite all
Carnedd Y Filiast (Cairn of the Greyhound Bitch) 42 Rhyolite SE
Carreg Alltrem 27 Rhyolite W
Carreg Hyll-Drem App Exclusive 60 Microgranite SW
Carreg Mianog 51 Sandstone (hard) SE
Carreg Wastad 82 Rhyolite S
Carreg y Foel Gron 135 Welsh igneous SW
Castell Cidwm 24 Rhyolite SE
Clogwyn Bochlwyd App Exclusive 18 Rhyolite NW
Clogwyn Cyrau 110 Rhyolite S
Clogwyn Du'r Arddu (Cloggy) 215 Rhyolite N
Clogwyn Gafr (aka Craig Fach) 22 Rhyolite NW
Clogwyn y Bustach 89 Dolerite SW
Clogwyn y Ddysgl 72 Rhyolite NW
Clogwyn y Garnedd App Exclusive 34 Welsh igneous NE
Clogwyn y Grochan 100 Rhyolite S
Clogwyn y Tarw (The Gribin Facet) App Exclusive 98 Rhyolite N
Clogwyn y Wenallt 22 Dolerite S
Clogwyn yr Eryr (Crafnant) 87 - SE
Clogwyn yr Oen (Moelwyns) App Exclusive 32 Rhyolite SE
Craig Aderyn (Teyrn Bluffs) 9 Rhyolite SW
Craig Braich Ty Du (Pen yr Ole Wen) App Exclusive 54 Rhyolite S
Craig Bwlch y Moch (Tremadog) 202 Dolerite S
Craig Cwm Glas Bach App Exclusive 59 Rhyolite NW
Craig Cywarch (aka Craig Cowarch) 260 Welsh igneous E
Craig Ddu 51 Rhyolite SW
Craig Lloer 43 Rhyolite NE
Craig Pant Ifan (Tremadog) App Exclusive 177 Dolerite S
Craig Rhiw Goch 11 Rhyolite S
Craig y Bera App Exclusive 11 Welsh igneous S
Craig y Castell (Tremadog) 65 Dolerite SW
Craig y Clipiau (Moelwyns) App Exclusive 48 Rhyolite S
Craig y Gesail (Tremadog) 61 Dolerite SW
Craig y Rhaeadr App Exclusive 22 Rhyolite NW
Craig Y Tonnau 20 Rhyolite S
Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave) App Exclusive 15 Rhyolite S
Craig Yr Ogof (Cwm Silyn) App Exclusive 56 Rhyolite SW
Craig Yr Wrysgan App Exclusive 83 Rhyolite SE
Craig Yr Ysfa 81 Rhyolite SE
Crib Goch App Exclusive 26 Rhyolite all
Cwm Cneifion 36 Rhyolite NW
Cyrn Las (Gyrn Las) 36 Rhyolite E
Dali's Hole 93 Slate ?
Devils Kitchen (Cwm Idwal) - (Clogwyn y Geifr) 92 Ice N
Dinas Cromlech 94 Rhyolite S
Dinas Mot 158 Rhyolite N
Drws y Gwynt App Exclusive 21 Rhyolite SW
Esgair Maen Gwyn (Scimitar Ridge) App Exclusive 43 Rhyolite E
Foel Goch 831m (Glyderau) App Exclusive 24 - NE
Gideon Quarries [Glyn Rhonwy] App Exclusive 157 Slate all
Glyder Fach 113 Rhyolite N
Glyder Fawr App Exclusive 58 Rhyolite N
Gravestones/ Hidden Wall/ Yr Ochr Wen/ Twll Tin App Exclusive 55 Rhyolite NW
Idwal Slabs (aka Cwm Idwal) 127 Rhyolite W
Llech Ddu (Black Slab) 44 Rhyolite N
Llechau Mawr 50 Gritstone NE
Llechog App Exclusive 8 Rhyolite all
Maenofferen 22 Rhyolite S
Nant Peris Quarry App Exclusive 7 Slate N
Never Never Land App Exclusive 99 Slate W
Rainbow Slab Area 179 Slate E
Rhinog Fach App Exclusive 12 Greywacke all
Serengeti 69 Slate E
Simdde Ddu 80 Rhyolite SE
Sub Cneifion Rib 8 Rhyolite NW
The Lost World/Heaven Walls App Exclusive 67 Slate all
Tryfan 162 Rhyolite E
Tryfan Fach [Little Tryfan] 30 Rhyolite NW
Twll Mawr 85 Slate NW
Vivian Quarry App Exclusive 163 Slate S
Y Garn App Exclusive 19 - all
Y Gribin App Exclusive 7 Rhyolite all
Y Grisiau 10 Gritstone NW
Y Lliwedd 142 Rhyolite N
Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders) 55 Rhyolite N
Meirionnydd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Chwarel Manod App Exclusive 16 Rhyolite ?
Powys crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Craig Cnwch App Exclusive 43 Gritstone W
Gist Ddu 40 Rhyolite E

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