Logbook for monicareeves91

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164 entries in this logbook showing 51-75
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Flying Buttress HVD 4a *** -   Jul, 2021 Stanage Popular
Powder Monkey Parade S 4b ** -   Jul, 2021 Birchen Edge
Topsail VS 4c ** -   Jul, 2021 Birchen Edge
Sail Buttress HS 4b ** -   Jul, 2021 Birchen Edge
Direct Route VS 4c *** AltLd   Jul, 2021 Glyder Fach
Punster's Crack (Summer) S *** AltLd   22 May, 2021 The Cobbler
Whither Whether VS 4b *** 2nd   22 May, 2021 The Cobbler
Fairy Steps VS 4a ** 2nd   19 May, 2021 Stanage Plantation
Goliath's Groove HVS 5a *** Lead   19 May, 2021 Stanage Plantation
Grooved Arête HVD 4a *** AltLd   May, 2021 Tryfan
Ardgartan Arête VS 4b ** -   May, 2021 The Cobbler
Anthrax Flake VS 4c *** Lead Sallyreeves Apr, 2021 Jetty Buttress
Open Secret HS 4b *** Lead Sallyreeves Apr, 2021 Stone Valley Crags
Porthole Direct VS 4c ** Lead   Mar, 2021 Birchen Edge
Captain's Prerogative HS 4b * Lead   Mar, 2021 Birchen Edge
Greeny Crack VS 4b ** Lead   28 Feb, 2021 Burbage North
Gargoyle Buttress VS 4b ** Lead   25 Feb, 2021 Stanage Popular
Gargoyle Buttress VS 4b ** Lead   25 Feb, 2021 Stanage Popular
Jonathan's Chimney VS 4c ** Lead   Feb, 2021 Rivelin Edge
Sunset Crack HS 4b ** Lead   2021 Froggatt Edge
High Neb Buttress VS 4c *** Lead   11 Oct, 2020 Stanage North
Grey Slab (Summer) HS 4b *** AltLd Sallyreeves 31 Aug, 2020 Ben Macdui - Stob Coire...
Past Imprefect HVS 5a * 2nd Beth Moore 30 Aug, 2020 Covesea
Thatcher's Crack VS 4b * Lead Beth Moore 30 Aug, 2020 Covesea
Jack the Ripper E1 5b *** AltLd Sallyreeves 28 Aug, 2020 Stac Pollaidh
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