Wishlist for Jordan-L

View Wishlist entries on a map
showing 1-25
Climb name Grade Added Crag name
Arrow RouteVD ***10 FebSron na Ciche
Shangri-LaVS 4c ***10 FebSron na Ciche
Unicorn (Summer)E1 5a ***10 FebBidean nam Bian -...
Engineer's CrackE1 5b **10 FebBuachaille Etive Mor
Sou'wester SlabsVD ***10 FebCir Mhor
A' Chir Ridge TraverseM ***10 FebA'Chir
The Dubh RidgeM 10 FebThe Dubh Slabs
IntegrityVS 4c ***10 FebSron na Ciche
East Face Route (Original Route)E1 5b 10 Feb(Old Man of) Hoy
CenturionHVS 5a ***10 FebBen Nevis
Tower RidgeD ***10 FebBen Nevis
Sword of GideonVS 4c ***10 FebSgurr a'...
Cioch NoseS ***10 FebSgurr a'...
The Mousetrap (Summer)VS 4c ***10 FebCreag an Dubh-loch
Black MambaVS 4c ***10 FebCreag an Dubh-loch
Grey Slab (Summer)HS 4b ***10 FebBen Macdui - Stob...
Amethyst PillarHVS 5b ***10 FebBen Macdui - Stob...
Auld NickS ***10 FebHell's Lum
The NeedleE1 5b ***10 FebShelterstone Crag
HammerHVS 5b ***10 FebBeinn Trilleachan...
Clachaig Gully (Summer)S ***10 FebAonach Eagach -...
Crypt RouteVD *10 FebBidean nam Bian
The Big TopE1 5a ***10 FebAonach Dubh
Quiver RibD ***10 FebAonach Dubh
Bludgers RevelationHVS 5a ***10 FebBuachaille Etive Mor
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