Contributed by Andy Waterhouse Jun/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 906 times

Grandad on Pitch 2 of 'Suicide Wall' E1 5c Bosigran  © Barra
Grandad on Pitch 2 of 'Suicide Wall' E1 5c Bosigran
© Barra

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1st Andy Waterhouse 25% 4 Aug, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


Terrier's Tooth
© Glenachulish


© Hamish Frost

Working at the Coalface...

Suicide Wall
Working at the Coalface...
© Sean Kelly

Such a perfect day...

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Such a perfect day...
© Cusco

Enjoying Commando Ridge

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Enjoying Commando Ridge
© BStar

Soloing Commando Ridge

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Soloing Commando Ridge
© Hamish Frost

Adam on the traverse

Suicide Wall
Adam on the traverse
© Kafoozalem

Waiting for summer!

Suicide Wall
Waiting for summer!
© Sean Kelly

The Variety Show 1986

The Variety Show
The Variety Show 1986
© jcw

Nick on Saxon

Nick on Saxon
© 1234None

Commando Ridge at sunset

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Commando Ridge at sunset
© CJoyce

The not so thin, final pitch of Thin Wall Special, Bosigran.

Thin Wall Special
The not so thin, final pitch of Thin Wall Special, Bosigran.
© Dexter JW

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge VD *** 3600 161m • 8 Bosigran Ridge Area
Saxon HVS 5a *** 909 50m Kenidjack Cliffs
Rock Dancer E1 5b *** 554 46m Kenidjack Cliffs
Lunakhod HVS 5a *** 724 40m Lower Sharpnose...
Mascon E1 5b ** 306 ? Lower Sharpnose...
Nameless VS 4c *** 1085 58m • 3 Bosigran
Suicide Wall E1 5c *** 1185 78m • 5 Bosigran
Door Post HVS 4b - 25m Pen y Holt Bay
The Variety Show HVS 5a ** 226 57m • 2 Great Zawn
Anvil Chorus VS 4c *** 1795 54m • 5 Bosigran
Bow Wall E2 5b *** 702 52m • 2 Bosigran
Thin Wall Special E1 5b ** 947 65m • 3 Bosigran
Little Brown Jug VS 5a *** 2635 66m • 3 Bosigran
Visions of Johanna E1 5b ** 449 58m • 2 Bosigran
Xanadu E2 5b *** 77 55m • 3 Great Zawn
Crack in the Sky E1 5b ** 183 25m Carn Barra
Excalibur HVS 5a ** 68 34m • 2 Carn Lês Boel Area
Pegasus HS 4b *** 713 70m • 3 Chair Ladder
South Face Direct VS 4c *** 1313 59m • 4 Chair Ladder
Flannel Avenue HS 4b *** 377 52m • 3 Chair Ladder
Diocese VS 5a *** 927 56m • 4 Chair Ladder
Terrier's Tooth HS 4b *** 557 40m • 3 Chair Ladder
American Dream E1 5b *** 140 40m Zawn Kellys Area
Dolphin Cracks HVS 5a ** 374 28m • 2 Sennen
11 e, 62 stars 19,846 1,269m 64
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