Contributed by Row Sep/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 722 times

I'm sensing a theme here...

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage  © Adam Long
Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage
© Adam Long

9 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 23% 21 Jun
2nd stum96 8% 15 May, 2023
3rd Edshakey 5% 29 Apr, 2023
3rd Row 5% 26 May, 2023
4th Peter Goulding 2% 20 Nov, 2019
4th liensiwel 2% 26 Jul, 2023
4th Hidden 2% 4 Jul, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Wall End Slab at Stanage. Mike James (aged 20, 1955), Alan James (aged 20, 1984), Sam James-Louwerse (aged 24, 2021)

Wall End Slab
Wall End Slab at Stanage. Mike James (aged 20, 1955), Alan James (aged 20, 1984), Sam James-Louwerse (aged 24, 2021)
© Alan James - Rockfax

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage
© Adam Long

Shock Horror Slab

Shock Horror Slab

Pete leading Fairy Steps (VS 4a), Stanage Plantation

Fairy Steps
Pete leading Fairy Steps (VS 4a), Stanage Plantation

Helen on Outlook Slab.

Outlook Slab
Helen on Outlook Slab.
© Andrew Marshall

Nick on Satin

Nick on Satin
© 1234None

Mike James climbing Wall End Slab in 1955

Wall End Slab
Mike James climbing Wall End Slab in 1955
© Mike James

Graham showing total concentration on an E1

Graham showing total concentration on an E1
© Deltona


© KGshoots

Enjoying the last of the sun.

Hargreaves' Original
Enjoying the last of the sun.
© LucaC

Me on Tango Buttress

Tango Buttress
Me on Tango Buttress
© Hindu

Wall End Slab Direct Finish, E3 5c. Stanage

Wall End Slab Direct Finish
Wall End Slab Direct Finish, E3 5c. Stanage
© stuart100

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Another Turn VS 4a * 394 12m Stanage North
Steamin' E1 5b * 188 14m Stanage North
End of the Line HS 4b * 79 14m Stanage North
The Green Streak VS 4c ** 1229 12m Stanage North
Incursion E1 5b ** 525 14m Stanage North
The Tempest VS 5a * 252 ? Stanage North
Don's Delight E1 5b * 137 8m Stanage North
Malc's Left-hand Slabs VS 5a * 30 18m Stanage North
October Slab HS 4b ** 2181 10m Stanage North
Bright Eyed HS 4b * 703 8m Stanage North
Fate E2 5c ** 401 8m Stanage North
Solo Slab VS 5b * 309 9m Stanage North
Icy Crack VS 4c * 726 8m Stanage North
Impossible Slab E3 5c *** 592 14m Stanage North
Cent E1 5a 437 ? Stanage North
Tango Buttress HS 5a ** 2772 14m Stanage North
Typical Grit Direct E1 5b 19 10m Stanage North
Gnat's Slab Direct HS 4b 129 12m Stanage North
Scavenger VS 4c * 200 ? Stanage North
Scraps VS 5a * 69 8m Stanage North
Sinister VS 4b * 188 ? Stanage North
Blown Away HVS 5c 9 15m Stanage North
Full Blown Finish E1 5b 13 4m Stanage North
What I've Done E1 5b 12 ? Stanage North
The Big C VS 5a 29 7m Stanage North
Nightmare Slab E2 5c ** 167 8m Stanage Plantation
Dream Boat E3 6b * 14 9m Stanage Plantation
Daydreamer E2 6b *** 118 8m Stanage Plantation
Nightrider E3 6b * 16 9m Stanage Plantation
Sleepwalker E2 6a ** 85 8m Stanage Plantation
Anxiety Attack II E2 6a 6 9m Stanage Plantation
Basil Brush HVS 5b * 73 ? Stanage Plantation
Mop Up E1 5c 32 10m Stanage Plantation
Shirley's Shining Temple f7C *** 13 10m Stanage Plantation
Shock Horror Slab f6C ** 191 10m Stanage Plantation
The Amazing Harry Greystoke II HVS 5b 92 6m Stanage Plantation
Tom-cat Slab E1 5b ** 131 ? Stanage Plantation
Feminist's Breakfast E4 6b 4 16m Stanage Plantation
Moments of Inertia E2 5b 11 ? Stanage Plantation
Wall End Slab VS 5a *** 2190 22m Stanage Plantation
Bridge's Variation VS 5a * 296 ? Stanage Plantation
Wall End Slab Super Duper Direct E3 5c * 106 14m Stanage Plantation
Wall End Slab Direct E2 5b ** 328 14m Stanage Plantation
Wall End Slab Direct Finish E3 5c ** 354 14m Stanage Plantation
Outlook Slab VS 5a * 1201 16m Stanage Plantation
Fairy Steps VS 4a ** 1519 16m Stanage Plantation
Pressure Drop f7A+ *** 40 ? Stanage Plantation
Satin f7A *** 459 ? Stanage Plantation
Mark's Slab VS 5a 184 8m Stanage Plantation
Roll Neck VS 5a 102 8m Stanage Plantation
Swooper E5 6b * 10 6m Stanage Plantation
Stupor E5 6c * 1 ? Stanage Plantation
Skidoo E6 6b * 6 12m Stanage Plantation
Skidoo Mk II E6 6c * 3 12m Stanage Plantation
Pizza Slab HS 4a * 518 ? Stanage Plantation
Scorpion Slab HS 4a * 169 10m Stanage Plantation
Seesaw VS 4c * 429 14m Stanage Plantation
Margery Daw HVS 5b * 59 10m Stanage Plantation
265 VS 4c 23 7m Stanage Plantation
Old Enough to Know Better HVS 5c 8 6m Stanage Plantation
Tridymite slab VS 5a * 236 ? Stanage Plantation
Mitch Pitch E1 5c * 137 6m Stanage Plantation
Symbiosis HVS 4c * 228 ? Stanage Plantation
Pedlar's Slab HVS 5c ** 853 10m Stanage Popular
Bobsnob E1 5a 161 10m Stanage Popular
Hargreaves' Original VS 4c *** 7169 18m Stanage Popular
Plate Glass Slab VS 4c * 1243 8m Stanage Popular
Carborundum VS 5a 554 8m Stanage Popular
66 e, 77 stars 31,162 571m 68
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