Contributed by MarkCunnington Jul/15 - This public ticklist has been seen 4,901 times

50 stars in 20 Routes Up to VS. Had to put in Grotto Slab instead of doing Martello Buttress due to impending rain.

Self Photo - Making my way up the Flying Buttress Slab  © MRobison
Self Photo - Making my way up the Flying Buttress Slab
© MRobison, Sep 2021

89 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 19 have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st MarkCunnington 100% 11 Jul, 2015
1st Iain Thow 100% 13 Oct, 1999
1st deacondeacon 100% 27 Sep, 2012
1st Paul Hy 100% 1 Jul
1st DerwentDiluted 100% 16 May, 2004
1st Flavio 100% 7 Jul, 2022
1st mikej 100% 9 Jun, 2015
1st Chris Ellis 100% 21 Jun
1st timreynolds 100% 26 May
1st Steve5543 100% 22 Oct, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Anna Pasteur enjoying the perfect winter climbing conditions

Balcony Buttress
Anna Pasteur enjoying the perfect winter climbing conditions
© Robbie Hearns

Flying Buttress, Stanage

Flying Buttress
Flying Buttress, Stanage
© stuart100

Soaking up the sun on a golden hour ascent of Flying Buttress.

Flying Buttress
Soaking up the sun on a golden hour ascent of Flying Buttress.
© Emma Crome

Light Train

Robin Hood's Right-hand Buttress Direct
Light Train
© DJayB

Ann S on Inverted V at sunset

Inverted V
Ann S on Inverted V at sunset
© just wanna climb

At Full Stretch. Sean on Christmas Crack, Stanage.

Christmas Crack
At Full Stretch. Sean on Christmas Crack, Stanage.
© ChrisJD

Flying over Flying Buttress

Flying Buttress
Flying over Flying Buttress
© mmmhumous

Simon on Christmas Crack, X-mas day '05. Yes those are tweeds, plus fours and a pipe.

Christmas Crack
Simon on Christmas Crack, X-mas day '05. Yes those are tweeds, plus fours and a pipe.
© Simon Ager

A Light Lasso

Robin Hood's Right-hand Buttress Direct
A Light Lasso
© DJayB

Enjoying the last of the sun.

Hargreaves' Original
Enjoying the last of the sun.
© LucaC

Philip Charley on Mississippi Buttress Direct

Mississippi Buttress Direct
Philip Charley on Mississippi Buttress Direct
© Mark Alderson

photo taken by Pete O'Donovan while I was on Mississippi Buttress Direct

Mississippi Buttress Direct
photo taken by Pete O'Donovan while I was on Mississippi Buttress Direct
© andork123

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Crack and Corner S 4b *** 5176 16m Stanage Popular
Flying Buttress HVD 4a *** 8886 24m Stanage Popular
Hollybush Crack VD *** 7491 14m Stanage Popular
Christmas Crack HS 4a *** 8159 16m Stanage Popular
Right-hand Trinity S 4b ** 4683 14m Stanage Popular
Leaning Buttress Crack VD ** 4239 14m Stanage Popular
April Crack HS 4b *** 5783 16m Stanage Popular
Hargreaves' Original VS 4c *** 7169 18m Stanage Popular
Robin Hood's Right-hand Buttress Direct HS 4a *** 4479 22m Stanage Popular
Zagrete HS 4b * 920 20m Stanage Popular
Bishop's Route S 4a *** 4439 26m Stanage Popular
Inverted V VS 4b *** 5521 22m Stanage Popular
Robin Hood's Crack HVD 4a ** 1405 18m Stanage Popular
Left Twin Chimney D ** 1209 14m Stanage Popular
Balcony Buttress S 4a *** 3312 20m Stanage Popular
Heaven Crack VD *** 6039 10m Stanage Popular
Mississippi Buttress Direct VS 4c *** 5418 22m Stanage Popular
Martello Cracks M ** 1453 10m Stanage Popular
Amazon Crack S 4a ** 2442 12m Stanage Popular
Grotto Slab M * 3245 12m Stanage Popular
50 stars 91,468 340m 20
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