Contributed by Lucas Ameixenda Capeans Jun/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 415 times

This Unattainable ticklist is an incomprehensive list of must do sport, trad and winter climbs that you have to do during your stay within Strathclyde University Mountaineering Club for absolutely no merit recognition whatsoever.

Mike near the top of South Ridge Direct  © cat22
Mike near the top of South Ridge Direct
© cat22, Apr 2009

5 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Lucas Ameixenda Capeans 75% 24 May
2nd Iain Hall 50% 19 Jun
3rd DynamiC987 27% 24 May
4th Chris Cook 22% 11 Jun
5th Kirky1002 20% 19 Jun

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Spectacular cloud inversion rolling in while finishing the cracking last pitch of Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper
Spectacular cloud inversion rolling in while finishing the cracking last pitch of Jack the Ripper
© thegreatdane

Neil McCallum on Prophecy of Drowning

Prophecy of Drowning
Neil McCallum on Prophecy of Drowning
© Mike Hutton

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

Approaching the gap

Tower Ridge
Approaching the gap

Eastern Traverse Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Eastern Traverse Tower Ridge
© rusty8850

Sunrise on the second day of our traverse

Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Summer)
Sunrise on the second day of our traverse
© henrygiles99

A tick in the pleats

Grey Panther
A tick in the pleats
© Andy Moles

Toddy Rich making the most of the weather window

Sugar Cane Country
Toddy Rich making the most of the weather window
© Ciaranunderscoretolan

In balance on Grey Panther

Grey Panther
In balance on Grey Panther
© BStar

Morgan getting baked on The Pillar.

The Pillar
Morgan getting baked on The Pillar.
© The Big Sender

Chris approaching the pinnacles of the Aonach Eagach ridge, in spectacular winter condition.

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Chris approaching the pinnacles of the Aonach Eagach ridge, in spectacular winter condition.
© Andrew Marshall

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Infirmary Direct S * 2 7m Junction 15 and ¾
Promontory Direct HVS 5a *** 1553 15m Auchinstarry Quarry
Nijinski E5 6a *** 223 ? Auchinstarry Quarry
Blade Runner E4 6a ** 98 15m Auchinstarry Quarry
Trundle VS 4c ** 1294 ? Auchinstarry Quarry
Walk on the Wild Side HVS 5a *** 762 ? Auchinstarry Quarry
Gold Rush E1 5b *** 665 ? Auchinstarry Quarry
Dream Machine E4 6a *** 27 25m Auchinstarry Quarry
The Edge VS 4c *** 307 45m • 2 Loudoun Hill
Easy Contract HVS 5b ** 991 ? Cambusbarron West...
Not Easy Contract E1 5b ** 1191 ? Cambusbarron West...
Chisel E4 6a *** 211 ? Cambusbarron West...
Dead Ringer E1 5b ** 1425 14m Limekilns
Elgin's Crack E2 5c *** 1116 12m Limekilns
Velvet Glove E4 6a *** 201 12m Limekilns
Punster's Crack (Summer) S *** 832 ? • 3 The Cobbler
Whither Whether VS 4b *** 348 40m The Cobbler
January Jigsaw (Summer) S *** 946 75m • 4 Buachaille Etive Mor
Curved Ridge (Summer) M *** 2032 240m Buachaille Etive Mor
Curved Ridge (Winter) II 3 *** 1480 240m Buachaille Etive Mor
Aonach Eagach Ridge (Summer) Grade-2 *** 1877 ? Aonach Eagach -...
Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter) II *** 1552 ? Aonach Eagach -...
Quiver Rib D *** 424 ? • 2 Aonach Dubh
Sou'wester Slabs VD *** 796 110m • 5 Cir Mhor
South Ridge Direct VS 5a *** 804 395m • 13 Cir Mhor
Blankist HVS 4c ** 77 ? Rosa Slabs
Eagle Ridge (Summer) S ** 973 250m Lochnagar
Lucky Strike VS 4c ** 958 15m Pass of Ballater
Jacob's Ladder I ** 1667 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Fiacaill Couloir II *** 810 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Central Gully III 4 ** 276 300m Cairn Gorm - Creag...
Marjorie Razorblade E3 6a ** 207 30m • 2 Dunkeld, Cave Crag
Coffin Corner HVS 5a ** 618 ? Dunkeld, Cave Crag
High Performance E3 6a ** 173 25m Dunkeld, Cave Crag
Crutch S ** 419 30m Dunkeld, Cave Crag
Flying Buttress Direct E1 5b *** 3460 16m Stanage Popular
Goliath's Groove HVS 5a *** 2577 22m Stanage Plantation
London Wall E5 6a *** 260 22m Millstone Edge
Glovers Chimney III 4 *** 549 240m • 3 Ben Nevis
Tower Ridge IV 3 *** 2026 800m Ben Nevis
Green Gully IV 4 *** 1234 ? Ben Nevis
Carn Mor Dearg Arete Grade-1 794 ? Ben Nevis
Orion Face Direct V 5 *** 414 ? Ben Nevis
Two-Step Corner V 5 *** 208 ? Ben Nevis
Centurion HVS 5a *** 609 190m • 7 Ben Nevis
Storm HVS 5a *** 1008 85m • 3 Polldubh Crags,...
Vincent E3 5c *** 92 ? Polldubh Crags,...
Crack of Ages E2 5b *** 134 ? Seana Mheallan
The Torridonian E3 6a *** 117 25m Seana Mheallan
The Pillar E2 5b *** 630 35m Diabaig
Northumberland Wall E2 5c *** 296 70m • 2 Diabaig
The Black Streak E1 5c *** 520 70m • 2 Diabaig
Sword of Gideon VS 4c *** 482 125m • 4 Sgurr a'...
Cioch Nose S *** 1035 200m • 7 Sgurr a'...
silver tear V 5 *** 39 350m • 7 Beinn Bhan
Mother's Pride E4 5c *** 104 30m • 2 Suidhe Biorach
India E3 6a *** 28 ? Suidhe Biorach
Jamie Jampot VS 4c *** 609 ? Suidhe Biorach
Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Summer) VD *** 1384 ? Cuillin Ridge...
East Ridge (Summer) M *** 1600 60m • 2 Sgurr Dearg...
Internationale E2 5c *** 113 45m Kilt Rock, Staffin
Grey Panther E1 5b *** 562 40m Kilt Rock, Staffin
Wish You Were Here E2 5c *** 136 30m Neist
Piggy Bank E3 5c *** 82 25m Neist
Supercharger E3 5c * 72 ? Neist
The Brine Shine 6b S0 6 10m Erraid Crags
Sentinel HVS 5a *** 70 12m Erraid Crags
A Helping Hand E2 5b ** 10 10m Erraid Crags
Original Route VS 5a *** 953 70m • 4 Old Man of Stoer
Diamond Face Route E1 5b *** 144 ? Old Man of Stoer
Crack of Desire True Finish E4 6a *** 39 ? Reiff - Roinn...
Jack the Ripper E1 5b *** 395 80m • 3 Stac Pollaidh
An Bealach Rúnda E1 5b *** 287 105m • 3 Fair Head
The Priest E1 5b *** 183 110m • 3 Pabbay
Prophecy of Drowning E2 5c *** 291 115m • 4 Pabbay
Sugar Cane Country E4 6a *** 158 35m Pabbay
Endolphin Rush E3 5c *** 172 60m • 2 Pabbay
Illegal Alien HVS 5a *** 150 30m Pabbay
Spring Squill E1 5b *** 258 65m • 2 Pabbay
89 e, 212 stars 51,625 5,077m 146
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