Contributed by jamiev Jun/11 - This public ticklist has been seen 11,138 times

30 superb and varied Peak sport routes

Edo on the big 'elephant-ear' flake of Cairn  © edogaude
Edo on the big 'elephant-ear' flake of Cairn
© edogaude, May 2018

263 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Boy 96% 30 Jun, 2011
1st dominic lee 96% 2 Aug, 2020
2nd Hidden 93% 11 Jul, 2018
2nd Hidden 93% 11 Jun, 2023
2nd nathanlee 93% 3 Sep, 2023
3rd Dan Jenkin 86% 29 May, 2022
3rd Ian Broome 86% 30 Aug, 2021
4th kristian 83% 10 Oct, 2021
4th FaffmasterG 83% 2 Oct, 2022
4th stp 83% 13 Sep, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

James pulling through the final moves of rubicon.

James pulling through the final moves of rubicon.
© rockjedi

Adrian Berry on the final moves of Rubicon (F7a) at the eponymous crag

Adrian Berry on the final moves of Rubicon (F7a) at the eponymous crag

The snake-like path of Sardine

The snake-like path of Sardine
© MarshaBalaeva


© mark20

Penny Orr laybacking her way to glory on Zippy's Direct Finish to Old Man River

Old Man River
Penny Orr laybacking her way to glory on Zippy's Direct Finish to Old Man River
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Tim on Cairn

Tim on Cairn
© StuM

Will on Open Gate

Open Gate
Will on Open Gate
© Will Rupp

Cairn whipper

Cairn whipper
© Morgan Woods

Try harder

Old Man River
Try harder
© Wft

Technique Malfunction

Systems Malfunction
Technique Malfunction
© R Potter

Eyes up

Systems Malfunction
Eyes up
© R Potter

Quality Control

Quality Control
© dave_rose

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Quality Control 7a ** 905 18m Chee Dale Upper
Case Adjourned 7a ** 428 20m Chee Dale Upper
Can Boys 7a ** 245 20m Smalldale Quarry
Darl - Pitch 1 7a *** 507 20m Chee Dale Upper
Clarion Call 7a *** 887 20m Chee Dale Lower
Cairn 7a *** 575 16m Harpur Hill Quarry
Rubicon 7a *** 1251 12m Water-cum-Jolly
Martial Music 7a ** 768 20m Chee Dale Lower
Bream in Black 7a+ * 478 12m Chee Dale Upper
Hungry Eyes 7a+ ** 400 15m Chee Dale Upper
Open Gate 7a+ *** 407 20m Chee Dale Upper
Kiss Me Hardy 7a+ *** 186 18m Chee Dale Upper
Countdown 7b *** 456 20m Chee Dale Upper
Whose Line is it Anyway? 7a+ *** 600 18m Chee Dale Lower
Mind of a Turbot 7b * 309 10m Chee Dale Upper
Beef It 7b * 189 12m Chee Dale Upper
Brachiation Dance 7b+ *** 439 18m Water-cum-Jolly
Old Man River 7b ** 285 15m Chee Dale Lower
Daylight Robbery 7b ** 275 20m Chee Dale Upper
Systems Malfunction 7b ** 167 10m Chee Dale Upper
Blockhead 7b+ ** 260 15m Chee Dale Upper
Sardine 7b+ *** 653 22m Raven Tor...
Indecent Exposure (with tree) 7b+ *** 142 35m Raven Tor...
Secret Gudgeon Society 7b ** 142 12m Chee Dale Upper
Soggy Biscuits 7b+ ** 123 20m Smalldale Quarry
Bored of the Lies 7b+ *** 337 20m Chee Dale Lower
Cordless Madness 7c ** 196 20m Chee Dale Lower
Stung 7b+ ** 124 15m Chee Dale Upper
Midgard Serpent 7b+ *** 28 ? Manifold Valley
The Sea is a Brown Paper Bag 7b+ *** 103 15m Chee Dale Upper
71 stars 11,865 508m 30
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