Contributed by benstainfield Mar/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,668 times

Pausing and pondering on rope drag.  © Fiend
Pausing and pondering on rope drag.
© Fiend

23 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 72% 2 Jul
2nd adamscottthomas 64% 2 Jul
2nd ben_st 64% 21 Jul
3rd Hidden 57% 31 May
4th petecallaghan 55% 25 Nov, 2023
4th Chris Ebbutt 55% 19 Jun
5th Hidden 53% 2024
6th Chriscan'tclimb 51% 25 May, 2023
7th Dominic Acland 44% 20 Apr
8th timreynolds 42% 11 Oct, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Hanging about on Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Hanging about on Coronation Street
© Jeremy Donaldson

Julian eyeing up the final move to gain the last stance

Coronation Street (WW)
Julian eyeing up the final move to gain the last stance
© m.powell02

Ed making light work of pitch 4 with plenty of air below

Coronation Street (WW)
Ed making light work of pitch 4 with plenty of air below
© m.powell02

Climber taking a fall on the stiff little letterbox wall/ hangover combo.

Letterbox Wall / Hangover Combo
Take! Climber taking a fall on the stiff little letterbox wall/ hangover combo.
© El Swiftos!

Ed tackling the final few metres of the steep and sustained crack

Coronation Street (WW)
Ed tackling the final few metres of the steep and sustained crack
© m.powell02

Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Coronation Street
© jonesdwill

The steep bit on Hostile Witness, E2 5c, Bench Tor

Hostile Witness
The steep bit on Hostile Witness, E2 5c, Bench Tor
© Brian H

Not many succeed on this tough Littlejohn classic...but Ben did!

The Flier
Not many succeed on this tough Littlejohn classic...but Ben did!
© Sean Kelly

Questing into the crux

Hostile Witness
Questing into the crux
© andyban92

Ed soaking up the perfect conditions on the last stance of Coronation Street

Coronation Street (WW)
Ed soaking up the perfect conditions on the last stance of Coronation Street
© m.powell02


© Kafoozalem


© nolan

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Logic E1 5b ** 256 13m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Combined Ops E2 5b *** 424 32m • 2 Chudleigh Rocks -...
Oesophagus E1 5b *** 441 24m Chudleigh Rocks -...
White Edge E1 5b * 45 40m • 2 Chudleigh Rocks -...
Starman E1 5b 6 14m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Saturn Jive E1 5b ** 36 13m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Saturn Five E2 5b ** 290 13m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Ground Control E2 5c ** 22 13m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Twang E1 5b ** 395 25m • 2 Chudleigh Rocks -...
Machete Wall E2 5c *** 458 27m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Tantalus E1 5b * 74 35m Chudleigh Rocks -...
The Spider E1 5b *** 531 44m • 2 Chudleigh Rocks -...
Gagool E2 5c ** 252 33m • 2 Chudleigh Rocks -...
Grim Reaper E3 5c * 169 12m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Anaerobic Crack f5+ *** 295 ? Hound Tor
Little Prow E1 5c * 220 7m Hound Tor
Aerobic Wall E2 5c *** 673 10m Hound Tor
Aviation E1 5b *** 1116 36m • 2 Haytor
Letterbox Wall / Hangover Combo E1 5b *** 498 15m Haytor
Don't Stop Now E2 5c ** 233 15m Haytor
Haggis E1 5b ** 853 14m Haytor
The Flier E1 5c ** 279 23m Haytor
Rhinoceros E2 5c *** 111 36m • 2 Haytor
Nemesis E1 5b * 2 30m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Perseus E1 5b * 5 25m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Gideon E1 5b *** 301 48m • 2 The Dewerstone
Fruitflancase E1 5a *** 502 46m • 3 The Dewerstone
Meilleurs Chiens du Monde E1 5b * 45 12m The Dewerstone
La Bête Noire E1 5b ** 125 15m The Dewerstone
Pippin Variations E1 5c 28 15m Goblin Combe
Smaug The Dragon E2 5c *** 425 ? Goblin Combe
Bullroarer E1 5b * 169 ? Goblin Combe
Gundabad E1 5b ** 718 ? Goblin Combe
Treebeard Direct E1 5c * 41 ? Goblin Combe
The Clockwork Fingerflake E1 5b 55 ? Goblin Combe
The Black Riders E1 5b * 179 ? Goblin Combe
Scrambling Remains E1 5b 79 ? Goblin Combe
Gollum E1 5b ** 541 ? Goblin Combe
Hostile Witness E2 5c *** 171 17m Bench Tor
Incubus E1 5b *** 111 29m • 2 Sanctuary Wall
Small Change E1 5c ** 66 18m Anstey's Cove
Crinoid E2 5c *** 409 27m Telegraph Hole
Bird Scarer E1 5b ** 208 28m Telegraph Hole
Tools You Can Trust E1 5a * 147 ? Greator Rocks
Lonely Fist of Fury E1 5b 47 ? Greator Rocks
Hunt the Dump E1 5b ** 43 22m Daddyhole Upper...
Sunshine Playroom E1 5a ** 64 22m Daddyhole Upper...
Just Out of Reach E2 5c * 32 22m Daddyhole Upper...
Gargantua E1 5b *** 202 40m • 3 Daddyhole Main Cliff
Revolver E1 5b ** 157 35m Meadfoot Quarry
Coronation Street (WW) E1 5b *** 627 ? • 6 Cheddar Gorge South
Toblerone E1 5b 462 12m Fairy Cave Quarry
Black Death E4 6a *** 174 30m Chudleigh Rocks -...
Bad to the Bone E1 5b ** 490 30m Fairy Cave Quarry
70 e, 102 stars 14,302 1,017m 72
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